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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Jim Bob

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  1. New stuff to me over the last 12 months: Helmet - Warrior Krown Gloves - Bauer Supreme TotalOne NXG Pants - Bauer Supreme TotalOne NXG Sticks - Bauer Supreme ONE.8 77 flex P92 curve Old stuff: Shoulder pads - Vic Shin pads - Easton Elbow pads - Easton Skates - Mission Pure Fly I had to get Bauer TUUKs and steel on my skates last year when the steel broke. I just noticed a crack in one of the TUUKS last week. They are still holding together OK, though.
  2. I wonder why they didn't have the gloves in the catalog?
  3. http://www.20toephoto.com/images/4%201%200...040105%201J.htm http://www.20toephoto.com/images/4%201%200...040105%202J.htm Janik had been wearing Vector Pros most of the year and then I noticed that he was wearing these on Friday.
  4. Helmet- Bauer 5000 w/ Itech Cage Shoulder Pads- Some old Vics Elbow Pads-Some old Jofas Shin Guards- Easton Z-Air Gloves-Bauer Vapor 10 Pants-Bauer 5000 Skates-2003 Mission PureFlys Sticks-Inno 4000 w/ Inno Blade & Easton UltraLite w/ Inno Blade Jock-Itech
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