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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. wow kovy, i can only imagine how responsive those things must be congrats
  2. i'm not an english professor but it seems as if perron isn't happy with the blues right now and not to bash but maybe some of the early discussion regarding his team play/ethic have come true?
  3. tape job is prolly from rubbing a puck on the tape after your done... just a guess though
  4. i think he does the the same thing i do and cuts off the bicep part of the pad
  5. yeah man i know school colors guess what the other one is... gold :(
  6. recent game... bout to take a face off
  7. yea i just found out today i got an hc100 lol thanks anyways
  8. does the other team have all intakes?
  9. yea i have this tape with nhl logos about every inch or so when i tape the blade it makes these hella sick patterns ill take another pic if u want
  10. the only guy in the picture lol w/e head up hockey? 4 assists that game
  11. dammm someone is loaded ^^^^
  12. I HATED the Typhoon. I used it for a month or so while I waited for the funds to get a new Synergy. It's really awful IMO; it's used for road hockey now. yea i know but it was sooo bad lol used a easton ultralite yzey curve hella unbalanced and heavy
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