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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I've visually inspected the blade to see if i could tell a difference in the look of a blade cut with FBV vs a normal hollow and i don't believe it can be seen by the naked eye like you describe. I even used a magnifying glass to try and see the difference. Noicing even asks you to tell them if your current blades don't have a FBV cut when ordering a FBV sharpen from them (I assume its because the difference can't be seen by the naked eye)
  2. I just got mine setup thursday night - went out to skate the past 2 nights and this morning and it feels great. I'm using the 5/8 Fire wheel vs the 90/75 FBV i had done before at the closest hockey shop 45 minutes away. I'm also glad i'll be able to help out my teammates on my work team who constantly complain about needing their skates sharpened but can never find time to make the 45 minute drive to get them done.
  3. I skate 4-6 hours a week, so thats about 40+ hours in these skates. I'm reasonably sure my toes aren't curling at all - and that the pain is from the arch area of the boot being too high pushing into my feet much more-so than the bauer supreme 170's i had before this. I've used a heatgun on the area before but using my thumb to try to push it out instead of my foot with the tissue paper taped to it. I know you're supposed to set your oven to 180 degrees while baking, but that doesn't necessarily mean the skate needs to heat up to that temperature. It's tough to tell how soft that part of the boot gets as its not as flexible as the ankle area. Rob responded to me right after i posted this - he says they will be sending me some different footbeds to try and he thinks i will have some good luck.
  4. So I've had my skates for almost 2 months now and am still experiencing a 6 or 7 on the pain scale in my arches. I contacted Rob and he had me try the following method pictured, using tissue paper and masking tape for remolding the arch area in the boot : Picture while it has lessened the pain from a 9, the discomfort is definitely still there. I've baked my skates probably 6 times at this point and Rob has said i should bake more than 9-10 times. Should i continue to use this method but with a heatgun to localize the heat? Any other suggestions? I have a low-med arch.
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