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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by clarkiestooth

  1. Okay, this one is a bit odd. I store my sticks in the garage, and in the summer it gets quite hot (probably 100 degrees F). I've got about a dozen sticks, mostly CCM, a couple Bauer, and two True (A6.0 SBP, A5.2 SBP).  For some reason , the 2 Trues have become incredibly sticky.  I'm talking "if I hold my hand out with the palm facing down and open my hand, the stick stays stuck to my palm"  sticky. They are unusable.  All other brand sticks are perfectly fine. Anyone else experience this with True, and how to fix? I tried soap and water, did nothing.

  2. 1 hour ago, flip12 said:

    But for future proofing CCM is better than the lineup name in big text. As a counterpoint


    which I always read as “All Out. Oh CCM.”


    I thought that was a fitting slogan for the pandemic year of 2020, and had to do with their inventory levels.

    • Haha 1

  3. 22 hours ago, bthompson1286 said:

    I’m not a fan of step steel black.  I did like ls2 and CCM hyper glide steel.  I feel that with the step steel black, I’m skating much slower and feel more friction.  Can anyone recommend a replacement?  Something more along the lines of the hyper glide steel.  I have xs holders 

    I think you have to change your mindset. In reality,  Step Steel makes a high quality product and I don't think there is anything to gain by spending  more $$ on a replacement. You have to look at it from the perspective " Steel is good. Check. The issue lies with the profile or ROH".

  4. 7 hours ago, Deker said:


    This is exactly what I have been trying to say in this thread.  Take it from a real MD who went to medical school and not someone in this thread who claims he "works in the field of medicine."  The real doctors out there know that this is code for "I was not smart enough to get into medical school."  To the guy who said that, remember this saying: "Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know."  Look up "Napoleon Complex", it's when the French Emperor felt he needed to overzealously conquer in order to compensate for his short height. The same goes for intelligence. Stop pretending to be intelligent with your "principals of physics and physiology" and take it from a real MD in that video posted above.


    On 3/15/2021 at 5:14 PM, Deker said:

     Would this have been prevented if the player was wearing a full cage? I have a Bauer Re-Akt 150 helmet with full cage and now I'm afraid to turn my back to the puck. Am I safe from this happening to me if I'm wearing a full cage?

    Looks like master deker has graduated from real life coward to internet tough guy. Not really worth any more discussion. And its probably time for his mother to bring him his smoothie.

  5. 2 hours ago, Deker said:

    Look at the title of this thread: "Could this serious head injury have been prevented with the proper gear?" It was intentionally named that. In the post I was referring to, the guy basically said that it's better to focus on rule changes and changes in player technique rather than the helmet itself. But why NOT focus on the helmet? You have valid points about concussions in general but maybe you guys made a mistake and meant to post them in another topic? I'm talking about a particular area of the helmet, the ear/temple area, that currently does not have any padding whatsoever and could possibly be expanded for more coverage, not about concussions in general (which I agree with you that we cannot eliminate all of them).

    SirJW, you're making the most sense out of those who are just saying it was a fluke, forget about it, if it happens it happens, etc. I'm not asking for a complete re-design of the helmet or forcing everyone to switch to a new helmet. Why not leave existing helmet models and people are free to continue using them but create a new model that concentrates more on safety at the ear/temple area....


    On 3/15/2021 at 5:14 PM, Deker said:

     I don't want this happening to me or anyone I know. Would this have been prevented if the player was wearing a full cage? I have a Bauer Re-Akt 150 helmet with full cage and now I'm afraid to turn my back to the puck. Am I safe from this happening to me if I'm wearing a full cage?

    Dude, you're now not even responding correctly to your own posts.

  6. 33 minutes ago, BenBreeg said:

    Let me start by making a statement, take it how you will, but it is not an attack.  You need to learn to argue the points people are making, not what you think you are hearing.  NOBODY said a rule change would have prevented what happened.  NOBODY said they are opposed to helmet companies making helmets safer.  Straw man arguments just lead to people not taking you seriously.

    What WAS said: There are multiple ways to address most problems.  The difference between no helmets and today's helmets is huge, but we are close to the point of diminishing returns.  Concussion research evolves but they still don't know everything.  Helmets have probably hit the point where they have done all they can to help mitigate, which is not much since many (most?  don't have data) concussions aren't from direct impact.

    What WAS said: Someone who works in a field that uses data and probability feels that rule changes would have a bigger IMPACT (he didn't say it would have prevented it as you accused him of) on many high-risk scenarios.

    Argue your points as vigorously as you want, but argue against what people are actually saying.



    Well. said.  If anyone is interested in reading a book on this topic, Game Change by Ken Dryden is fantastic. He chronicles the life of Steve Montador, while really getting into the concussion crisis in the NHL. He does a great comparison between "old time hockey" and today's game. And he offers some actionable solutions. No pulpit blathering for Mr. Dryden.

    • Like 1

  7. 7 hours ago, marka said:


    In your history with the sport, has there ever been a time when you've supported an increase in safety via equipment improvements?  I ask because this seems to be your attitude with every safety advance topic that I recall you commenting on.

    When a player gets hit in the head by a puck and dies, it doesn't seem unreasonable to ask the question "Can helmets be better and prevent this type of thing?"  And then, you know, actually see if there's a way to make it better vs. just dismissing it as a fluke thing and we're all going to die anyway, so get over it.



    Interesting statement. I work in the field of medicine (infectious disease), so I'd like to think I support advancements in technology and support health and safety, LOL.  How 'bout you?  If by "every safety topic" you mean that I stand behind the fact that you can't eliminate concussions by changing a helmets design, I'm sticking with the time honored principals of physics and physiology.  You can't eliminate concussions with a helmet. Better to focus on rule changes and player technique. 

    I suggest you reread my initial statement. There are risks in life. Sometimes things happen, and you can't blame someone or something. 


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