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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by clarkiestooth

  1. DO NOT wear a tee shirt. The most important layer is the base that wicks away moisture. Something like those made by Craft. A tee shirt will get soaked, then you're done. Next, a light insulator, like a thin fleece. If needed, ultralight windstopper shell (that breathes). Hat. Light gloves. I've raced Nordic ski events for 4 hours in -60F  wind chill temps with that set up.

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  2. On ‎10‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 9:50 AM, althoma1 said:


    With that said, I won't need to search for elbow pads any time soon as I'm really happy with my 2012 Warrior Projekts (the blue and grey ones; not the 2010 mainly white ones) and have a small stockpile. I've tried a lot of elbow pads before those and even briefly tried Warrior AX1's while I had the Projekts (I sold those, good pads, but I preferred the projekts) and have tried on most new pads high end pads when they come out. I haven't found anything that has tempted me to move away from the Projekts…... The Projekts have a deep cap that and a neoprene strap that locks your arm in well, are light and a three piece pad so they're very mobile. Nic Backstrom and James Neal have used pro versions of the Projekts in the NHL as recently as last season (not sure about this year, but I have seen pictures and videos of them with the Projekts as recently as last year).





    Have you had any experience with the white Warrior Pro Series elbows? Seems to be a lot of pro stock ones floating around the internet.

  3. Important piece of gear, the elbow pad... often the first line of protection. My trusty Jofa 9144's are ready to be retired.  Is there a new pad that stands out? Unlike gloves/sticks/skates, it's hard to tell what the pros prefer. I noticed the weights on modern pads are quite low, often 200 or 300 grams per pair lighter than my 9144's. But I looked at Bauer's top Vapor 1X Lite, and was shocked by the light weight.  Unfortunately, I was also surprised at its lack of protection and poor overall construction. Thinking about the CCM Jetspeed FT1.  Any opinions on elbows pads?

  4. On ‎10‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 11:26 AM, Steve_v3 said:

    Has anyone done one of these clinics as an adult?

    I was thinking of doing one but wanted to know if it's worth it as an older player.


    Absolutely worth it.  I work the Swedish group JRM Skate and Skills (check it out on youtube). We now have these camps for adults (next one is January2-4 in Clearwater Florida). It's a great way for quick, sustainable improvement.






  5. I remember the real original Pops Kenesky (whom this company acquired the name).  Back in the 1970's,  a goalie friend of mine scraped together every penny he had and hitchhiked from Philly to Hamilton,Ont. He sat at Pop's door until he made him a set of pads. He came home a couple weeks later with a set of custom pads. Didn't help him much, as he never played anywhere of note. Goalies are so weird.

  6. 14 hours ago, goudgey said:

    Hey all, 

    My slapshot (and snapshot and wrist shop) needs some work and ice time is hard for me to come by...but there is a golf driving range nearby.

    Would there be any merit in me taking my stick and shooting pad down there to practice shooting a bunch of golf balls (assuming management have no issues with it)?



    ...only if you can hit the 250 yard sign.

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  7. 15 hours ago, Oilers97 said:

    Thank you for everyone’s responses. First off. The pain is like how do I describe it... like cramping so bad I want to take my skate off and have to on the bench sometimes. Right below the toes on the widest part. Immense pain. It improves a bit when skating but second I stand still it’s excruciating. 



    That narrows it down a bit. From what you're describing, it sounds like the arch support isn't right. Your foot isn't sitting naturally, causing the muscles to not work as they normally would in order to compensate. I would suggest getting a thin super moldable insole ( I like Bauer Speed Plates) and re-baking your skates at least 2 times in your home oven ( it's easy,just follow instructions on youtube). 


  8. Is it just me, or does it seem like Adidas puts zero effort into designing these jerseys. I'd swear Adidas just tells the evening janitor at HQ, " After you finish cleaning that last toilet, design a few of the NHL jerseys before you leave. And don't forget to change the roll."

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