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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by colonials2

  1. How do you like the Xtremes compared to your X70s? I have X80s which are the same glove with just stiffer foam and am looking to get a custom pair of Xtremes and am looking to see how they compare. I like them both the same but the xtremes are have an open cuff at the bottom so it allows more movement. So if you like tight at the wrist buy the x70 but if you like more movement at the wrists buy the extremes.
  2. Skates: Vapor XXX Shin Pads: CCM Pro Elbow Pads: CCM Pro Shoulder Pads: Easton Synergy Gloves: Eagle Xtreme and Custom Eagles x70 Helmet: Reebok 8k- Chrome Cage Pants: Reebok 6k Stick: Stealth Grip
  3. Tyutin's GlovesThese are not custom gloves but these are really nice.
  4. Where does everybody get there custom gloves? A store or do you call the company?
  5. How do you get custom gloves from any company? Do you call them or do you email the company? :D
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