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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Novotnoa

  1. Thanks for the input, I think I’ll end up saving a little more and wait till the next Ribcor stick comes out. If it’s $249 like the JetSpeed is I’ll pick it up, otherwise I’ll just buy a trigger2 on sale.
  2. Is the blade core of the ak27 soft or stiff?
  3. What makes them worse than the qx?
  4. Plus now that you can’t find it in store you can’t compare stick weights. You can always use the 14 day trial though so that’s nice but it could be a hassle.
  5. I wish stx would give the weight of the sticks on their website. I’m sure they’re premium but I’d like to know how light.
  6. I was looking at clearance sticks and found this for $149 I read that it was a 400 gram stick. Does anyone has experience with this stick, I used a warrior Ax3lt some time ago and it was awful, the shaft would twist causing the blade to open up and be inaccurate. Maybe it was just my stick, but It also deteriorated quickly. Hoping this has been improved?
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