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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About NJ35

  • Birthday 07/20/1985

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  • Interests
    Goaler, D, Wrecking people, etc
  • Location
    Dirty Jersey

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  1. Ew Rangers pants.
  2. Its the newest tech, the 9ko has holes and this stick is just missing the bottom half.
  3. Yeah we used to write ridiculous things on our blades, like F**k you and draw pictures of dicks and stuff. It was all good shit
  4. They do, well usually. The team has S5 pants with the logo embroidered. I don't know why DMan33 doesnt.
  5. My new project: Tour Hi/Los mounted on Mission L7 Ice Boots Love the feel
  6. Just mounted Tour Hi/Lo Chassis on my Mission L7 skates with Hyper Formula G 80mm wheels and some Revision Variants 72mm. Also picked up a set of Kuzak Zone Indoors for 1.75 a pop from HockeyGiant. Pics to come tomorrow.
  7. Alls I'm gonna say is are those undies custom MIA too? Nasty son.
  8. Got them from Swiss17 on here but East West Hockey has them too. Also the monster posters, i have like 25 of them. One of my friends reps Monster on campus so we always have free monster and such in my house.
  9. Yeah, the 8ks are great. I am trying to decide whether I want to put black Custom+ on, but other than that I got me some superfeet and they're great.
  10. Thats pretty much the same thing, it feels like woven which i didnt like so i barber poled
  11. Yeah, I picked up a Nash R8 Response Lite and I was wary of it at first. My favorite stick ever was the Messier Response Lite, the red one. I was using a SicKick that I love and an SL and I got the R8 at a great price and love it. I'm not a huge fan of the grip section in the middle because to me it has a weird texture but I barber pole my sticks anyway but the R8 has amazing balance and is super light. I get some great shots with that sucker.
  12. Yeah, I used to play goalie and my lil bro is a goalie too. Hes much better than I was but its nice to see the game from alternate perspectives. I'd rather not wear a shell but my girlfriend bought me Tackla pants for my bday and my friends messed with her and told her to get me Royal Blue pants because our team colors are blue and gold. But our jerseys are white or black and we all have to wear black shells so I have to throw one on. Although when I played goal I always wore a shell to prolong the life of my pants.
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