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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by BesToss

  1. Does anyone know why none of the big retail stores have FT6 Pro skates tapered fit in stock? I usually wore Bauer Fit 2 or CCM Regular in the past and would love to try the tapered fit in store. So far I'm only seeing IW and CCM website have them in stock
  2. I've used the 7mm D3O tongue and swapped back to the stock one as well. The D3O tongue doesn't wrap the top of my foot as good as the stock one, even after I've skated with them quite some time. Maybe it's because they have never baked with the skates before so the materials haven't softened up. Nevertheless, I'll keep using the stock tongues until they break down in the future
  3. He also uses CCM's Ultra Pro elbow pads too
  4. Custom CCM skates are made at the factory in Montreal, but perhaps the skate parts are made in those plants?
  5. 13 business days?! That was really quick. When did you place your order? I placed my order on Tuesday (11/26) and the staff told me the waiting time is about 6-8 weeks.
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