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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by lerxst

  1. 1. Vapor X 7.0 (went back to Vapor after One80 affair) 2. Vapor XX (skate that felt close to the 10-90, had quit playing for 10 years) 3. Supreme One80 (thought I'd like them better than Vapor, fit well in LHS, too much movement at rink) 4. Micron Mega 10-90 (redline version)
  2. Price is a relative thing as they say. I thought I read where the FBV holds an edge longer, therefore you would need less sharpenings, reducing your total cost of ownership. Additionally, I don't see why you would offer the FBV as the same price as ROH. You have a differentiated product/service, which commands a premium, how much is really the question.
  3. Fusion steel... called marketing.... Like StepSteel's Velocity...
  4. Not fake... http://www.greatskate.com/product/id/9023/...ckey-Skate.aspx Called SE instead of LE.
  5. I actually just started buying CCM stuff from the 08 cat... took me a while to get used to the C geometry... but love the Ovie curve... picked up some V10 gloves on clearance and very happy with those.... I've been on the fence to replace my Vapor XX's with the U+....
  6. Anyone know if the FBV is available in the Western PA/Pittsburgh area?
  7. Will the FX line compare to the MaxPRO, or are we giving up quality for looks??? Bought a pair of XXX's in Dec and not sure I'm pleased with them and have liked what I've read about Sande's... but if I'm going to shell out the dough for Sande's, do I want an FX or MaxPRO?
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