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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About HeatleyRules

  • Birthday 01/07/1991


  • Skates
    Graf 703 Petr Cajanek Pro Stock w/ BlackSteel
  • Pants
    Tackla 951
  • Helmet
    RBK 8K
  • Gloves
    Combat 52 Cal
  • Stick
    Easton 65S

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  • Location
    Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
  • Gender

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  1. I have converted Synergys and I have some random Easton chassis on them and they fit and work just fine. Not light or anything but it doesn't really matter to me. Got them for like 30 bucks on HockeyWorld. I don't see the hype in chassis. Damn Hyper wheels ain't lasting me either.
  2. love the eagle brewer gloves and especially the dolomites, my favorites. and holy montreal jerseys radio gaga, you're a true fan.
  3. you've got my two faves there, forsberg and nashville 3rd
  4. Those look nice with the black laces. I've got an extra pair laying around, maybe I'll throw them on my 1500C's. very nice, i cant even find black laces without blue ticks though. my favorite skates as well.
  5. i saw those at just hockey in toronto, they were $199 can each, how much do you spend on gloves...?
  6. Is it just me, or do your 703's have a carbon outsole? yeah, theyre pro returns so they have some pretty good stuff.
  7. New Graf Peter Cajanek Pro Return Supra 703s Converted Synergy Inlines Graf Laser, tough like Rocky. question about my Synergy's. I feel the chassis are obviously too big, although they said mediums fit a size 8.5 skate. They were installed at my LHS and they said they'd be fine. I want opinions on how they'll effect my skating, and what size wheels, I think all 80s like what's on there now would be best. Thanks.
  8. they looked much better when the paint wasnt all chipped off and they werent scuffed. the color also looks much darker than they actually are. theyre different and match my jerseys. i like em, thats all that matters. if anything looks like shit its those new translucent blue bauer holders. one90s look much better with white holders.
  9. Here's my gear: Skates Paint is a chippin' off. Gotta re-do it. Backup Skates Mitts Had to get re-palmed. Twigs Warrior Dolomite Prostock Kovalchuk Warrior Royale Fedorov TPS Adrenaline Prostock Perry Easton Synergy ST Grip Forsberg Easton Synergy Grip Sakic Kovalchuk Curve Bucket
  10. helmet - RBK 6k Blk shoulders - Itech Techlite shins - Mission M-1 elbows - RBK 3K pants - RYR 6000 inline pants - Mission Wicked 1 Red/Wht/Blk girdle - Mission D-1 gloves - RBK 9K Nylon Black 14" skates - Graf 703 Pro Stock Cajanek inline skates - Easton Synergy w/ Hyper Saturn Flex sticks - RBK Sweden, Graf Laser
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