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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Olympia, WA

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  1. Couple pics from league tryouts... only two of us showed up!
  2. Found some very old pics of me... In white, crouched over In white Bottom row, 2nd from right (Seattle jersey)
  3. Get the one that feels the most comfortable. I didn't want to spend $500 on my xxx's but they were way more comfortable than the $300 xx's I was looking at. It was a no brainer at that point.
  4. Sean Skinner says that he prefers rounded toe as at any angle there is more stick closer towards the surface of the ice. That is true except when the square toe stick is flush. I personally believe that a rounded toe does help but I think that you could get good with ANY shaped toe as long as you practice a lot. I use Shanahan (square toe) and have gotten much better in the last few months with practice. My thought is hey, if the pros can do it with a square toe, I should be able to too...
  5. I think they should rename it on the board to be "points" not "posts"
  6. Bend at the knees, not at the waist. He looks fine to me in pic 3... maybe it was just bad timing for some of the other photos.
  7. You should tell them to sell them on their website (like the college I went to - UW Huskies) .. I would buy one. That color combo looks awesome with your pads. Rarely do I think a goalie looks as good as you do... could be a good money maker for your club.. maybe help buy some extra gear or something.
  8. Good call... they actually have a good assortment of inexpensive blades at HG...
  9. Any websites where you can get cheap wood blades? Someone said 99 cents? I don't live anywhere near where I can get blades at that price. Or, if someone could suggest a store in Vancouver, BC, I will be going there in March... Thanks!
  10. As soon as the blade cools the curve will stay. Are you heating it with a heat gun, flame or steam?
  11. You bought that contraption? How do you get the curve to stay?
  12. Why would you get a Tapered shaft with a standard blade? Didn't know it was tapered until I got it.. ordered it online, it was a closeout. Either way I was happy enough with it that I ordered a second.
  13. Helmet: Bauer 3000 Shield: old itech half shield modified/shortened with a dremmel tool Shin Guards: Bauer Biaxial Elbow Pads: Easton Z-Air Shoulder Pads: Easton Z-Air (heavy duty) (Itech Pro 660's coming) Pants: Vic's 7-something (old) Gloves: CCM something fabric outer Skates: Bauer XXX & Bauer Supreme 1000's Shaft: Bauer XV's Blade: Easton Shanahan Ultralight Graphite
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