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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Hey I am exactly the same height and weight and pant size as you and I wear a medium in the Tacks 7092 girdle. It is the best fitting girdle I have ever worn and is perfect length / still have plenty of room for adjustment in the waist if I were to to put on extra weight as well as plenty of extra room if I were to lose weight and needed to tighten the belt system up. I know this is not the girdle you are looking at, but I believe i have seen that the jetspeed and tacks girdle will be very similar in their fit and sizing.
  2. How do you find the fit of the aero? I got a pair of 14" ordered in that same California brown. Glad to hear they are comfy!!
  3. Anyone have experience with the eagle ppf x844 or the ppf x905? Ordering a custom pair soon and can't find much of any info about how these gloves compare to the 2009 ppf, 2010 ppf, and one another. Anyone got any insight into the fits of these gloves? My only experience in eagle is a pair of x70i that I have been rocking since 2005. These gloves fit my hand great except I now need a other 1/2" in the fingers and maybe a 1/4" in the cuff. I'm working with a rep from eagle trying to figure out what fit is best but I would really appreciate it if anyone from modsquad who had played in these gloves could give me some advice! Thanks guys!
  4. Got a pair of 1s pro stock 14" gloves today and the fingers are all longer than the retail vapors and ccm gloves that I tried on...problem solved! Most comfortable gloves I've tried on yet.
  5. Jesus man I guess your right ...it only takes one time / a freak accident for something like that to happen. Thanks for sharing that with me! Maybe I'll see if I can get the cuffs shortened on a pair of 15" gloves.
  6. That's what know leaning towards right now. Last time I bought gloves was 2006 and everything was a 4-roll now there are so many options for fit it's crazy. I'm looking at supreme 1s and ccm hgtk for the anatomical/taper fit. The issue with the 15" is the cuff ends up hitting my elbow pads and they feel too long in the fingers. I got a pair of 1s coming in the mail tomorrow, fingers crossed their a little longer in the fingers than vapors.
  7. I'm less concerned about protection and more about mobility. I only play beer league now and have played the last several years with my bare fingers exposed due to the condition of my mitts haha. My main issue with moving up to 15 is lack of mobility and they just feel overall too big. Is your username a GB reference?
  8. Hey guys im getting a new pair of gloves for the first time in 10 years (been playing with a pair or 13 inch eagles I had in high school). When trying on different pairs I noticed that in every single pair the end of my ring finger is pushing against the gusset but none of my other fingers are. 14" gloves fit me perfectly except for this one issue. If the gloves have stretchy mesh gussets I honestly don't even notice it but it is very noticable in nash gussets. My question is has anyone else experienced this...and will a nash gusset break in after a while and stretch a little bit?
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