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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. they're actually a little bit tight on me, i'm gonna have to remove some of the padding on the inside.
  2. My latest addition. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j242/mikeronan/hockey.jpg
  3. update skates- supreme 70's shoulders-bauer classic helmet-mission intakes one white the other black. both with jofa 480 cages sticks-Newst ones are two datsyuk reebok 7k's, sakic CNT, 1 pronger 7K gloves-vapor xxx's/warrior kingpin elbows-bauer ep1000 shins-easton z-airs
  4. time for an update helmet: mission intakes-white/black gloves: vapor xxx sticks:3 stealths, adrenaline, 2 SL's, 3 z bubbles, Ultralite shaft, dolomite 2 shaft, 2 dolomites, 2 rbk 7k's. a bunch more but those are the only ones that are in this room. skates: flexlite 10/rbk 9k shoulders: bauer classic pants: vapor 10 shins: easton z-air elbows: ep 1000
  5. yes DeI_18 the palms are goatskin. Do you like them?
  6. haha thanks edge but trust me i have tons more. and the z bubble isn't repaired just used, and the xxx on the gloves is blacked otu with pro toe. and the gloves are black not navy.
  7. gloves are both retail, and yes new cnt's in the z-bubbles.
  8. Some of my stuff. Gloves/Helmets skates
  9. Helmet - Mission Intake with jofa 450 cage/ Itech HS22 tinted strait cut Shoulder - bauer classic Elbow -bauer ep 1000 Pants - vapor 10 Gloves - Vapor xxx, Easton pro gold Shin - Easton z-air Skates - Nike Flexlite 10's Stick - warrior dolomite, mission l-2 with synthesis blade, easton stealth, easton stealth grip. Jock- Shock Doctor power jock
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