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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RodneyPierce last won the day on January 27 2023

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  1. You will not be disappointed!
  2. Thanks for the physics lesson. Now back to what I originally said about the combo golf/baseball netting, it should work fine 😉.
  3. I would say the nets made for baseball/golf should be fine. They take baseball's and golf balls at speeds similar to what we are shooting picks at. Maybe even a bit higher.
  4. You could also easily make one from PVC pipe and netting if you need something taller than 7ft. Below is the netting, You can make your own border with PVC pipe or even electrical conduit. https://www.amazon.com/Backyard-Driving-Practice-Chipping-Baseballs/dp/B09TB7S3LB/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?keywords=Golf%2BNetting&qid=1676892628&sr=8-4-spons&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExVUExWEMwVE1IRlYzJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUExMDM2MDMyM0kwUjI4SDk3RTc2VCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwOTk3NDEyTE5FWElZTDMzUTRaJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ&th=1&psc=1
  5. None of them are 250. I'm just going to measure what's in there and see what they measure, then go from there.
  6. There is quite literally zero literature or information showing a 250mm runner in Parabolic or Parabolic II steel. Hence the confusion. Lol
  7. The holders say they are a 250mm holder. The size charts say the holder should be a 246mm, but its clear as day stamped 250L and 250R. They are size 5.5 skates. Is it possible that they do indeed take a 246mm blade?
  8. They are a little heavy, but he said they are the most comfortable skates he has ever worn. I'm on the extra set of blades. First thing I did was loctite the bolts 🙂
  9. Thank you!!! He is in love with the things so I guess it doesn't really matter. Haha. I picked them up and was instantly impressed by how stiff they were. Looks like they are bakeable as well. That was my main question. Thanks again! Pretty nice skates for 30.00!
  10. I just snagged these for my son from Play it again. They have never been worn. I'm trying to find info on them but having trouble. Basically just specs, boot composition, etc.
  11. So what were your final thoughts on the Project X? How does it compare to the HZRDUS line? Or to something like the Sherwood Rekker Element One?
  12. Worst sense of humor ever. It was a joke. I couldn't care less who the seller is!
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