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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I personally prefer the Curex over the Superfeet Carbon. The Superfeet take too much depth and dampen the edge noticeably more than Curex. Comfort is about the same as well as heel lock.
  2. Does anyone know whether or not that tongue will be available as a standalone purchase? Or if they will wall it off and keep it like some sort of stupid exclusive item even though they have an entire brand.
  3. Is the last the same as the ASV Pro? That last is noticeably more voluminous than the previous generation of skates (AS3, FT4, 100K).
  4. That dude. I swear. I'm sure he meant well at some point but he is an absolute shill through and through. The tongue is the coolest part of the tech. I remain quite happy with the custom ASV that I have. Had the thought I might regret jumping early instead of waiting for a new release, but these two skates are quite overlapped in what they are compared to the previous gens.
  5. Sure, But if they screw up making them you should absolutely not be on the hook for it. If something in their process caused the custom skates to fit poorly, that is on them.
  6. Getting rid of the 90 day guarantee? That is highly unfortunate. Going to have to find a new skate since the ribcor is the only skate that seems to fit me and gives me heel lock without aggravating bauer bumps and making it feel like im being stabbed 🙃 I wonder what kind of tech they are going to "mix" into the FT6 line.
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