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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Hey thanks a lot, I didn't know about this website. Out of curiosity, do you know what these p92, p88 and p28 curves are equivalent to? One of the those has to be the Sakic, right? For sure the Lidstrom was phased out, I haven't seen a square edged toe in forever.
  2. Hi, I'm really hoping there are some old timers around to share a few tips. Quick recap: I bought a batch of SBK Black Angels for an insane price when the business closed down, which I believe was between 10 to 15 years ago. Nice sticks, they were exactly what I wanted back then. The last few survivors of this batch have recently gone a bit soft and I felt it was time to move on. Went to the LHS thinking I was going to get in, find a decently priced Easton Drury variation, and get out. To my stupefaction, the young salesmen there, which seem to be quite competent btw, were looking at me like I was some kind of alien from Guy Lafleur's era. I was describing the curve, the classic you know, and there was no such thing on the market according to them. They were right, I couldn't find anything that felt right in the thousands of sticks in inventory. A lot of them, I simply grab and immediately knew that it it wouldn't work due to the rounded edges of the shaft or their crazy lightweight that makes it feel like you have nothing in your hands. After hours of disbelief and confusion, an older employee (he was still quite young haha) came in and explained that only pro stock offerings could possibly have what I was looking for. He was right, and I found a CCM Jetspeed Team that seemed to have the right curve, with a boxy shaft. Pro stocks are cheaper than retail? Perfect. The stick is all right, nothing more, but here comes the kicker: I took out an old Sher-wood T90 from the closet, which I believe was the very first version of it (I bought it before my SBKs) and started ripping absolutely crazy shots from everywhere on the ice. I've played with these guys for many years and I am not known for my lethal shot, so everyone was a bit stunned, especially the goalies. My inner Ovie had been unleashed. I know this is somewhat of a honeymoon period, but I want more of that. My questions are: Why can't I seem to find any traces of this stick searching the interwebs? All the T90s that I see, even those labeled Gen 1, are all black and mine is mostly white. What year is it from? Sam thing goes for the PP20 DR pattern. It does not seem to exist anywhere, at all. Why are there so few results when searching for this specific pattern? I mean it existed at some point, since when does the internet "forget" ? Are the modern T90s sold these days similar in quality to the one I have? I have read some comments that the "quality has gone downhill" with each new version. Any recommendations? I can't fathom the thought that the good old easton Drury is a thing of the past. I have zero interest in trying other curves. Thanks in advance, please take a look at the pics below. Oh and by the way, I am not that old (34), but It sure seems like things have changed a lot in a decade. I am still rocking Easton Synergy 1500C skates with Tuuks bought on eBay, a relic from the times when you didn't really have to bake your skates in an oven. I heard that even the entry level skates are now molded in the oven by default. Crazy stuff.
  3. I saw an interesting interview in french, on RDS, a couple of weeks ago. I never knew how bad this could get. David spoke about how every little thing was hard to accomplish, and still is, kind of. For example, he said he couldn't even take a walk with his dog without getting severe headaches and blurry vision after no more than 5 minutes. That's just walking so anything physical must be impossible to do. Fortunately, things were improving.
  4. And what a beauty his second was!
  5. DAMN! For an hour or two, i really thought we were getting Perron for Jaro ! Oh well, it's a good thing for you it didn't happen i guess, Montreal can suck big time for young guys, ask Latendresse, Sergei K, Grabvosky, etc. I still wish you were playing in the east though... Anyway, good summer to you David, i hope to see you at the À bout de souffle tournament in Magog. Will you be there?
  6. I also felt this way... I would trade Price. Granted i don't know about how players live the pressure and the constant analysis of their tiniest actions and i may be imagining things here but, i think Price has had enough of Montreal. And i would, too. A change of air could jump start his career. He sees young guys like Tender and Pouliot, who had slow starts like him, come to life after a trade. I just think he wouldn't say no. But, please correct me if i'm wrong; the habs have to sign Halak before they trade Price or?
  7. He also wouldn't take shots for the entire warm-up when he wasn't the starting goalie, about a week or two ago. If this team had a real leader, someone would have told him: "Hey kid, you go back in the net right now"
  8. Good think, Price needs to be put in his place. Why he is in the net tonight? WHY?
  9. More than 100 points in less than 200 games in the NHL and yet nobody in Montreal will admit he was a steal in 2007. I haven't heard a single habs analyst say he would have been a better choice than McDonagh. As far as i know i could be a better scout than this Timmins dude. A hundred points in less than a 200 games for christ's sake.
  10. I was reading about playing all-out when other guys are just there for fun and i have to say that it's totally acceptable as long as you keep physical contacts at a minimum or know your opponent doesn't mind and likes a little battle for the puck. Take outdoor hockey for example. Whenever i play outdoor hockey, i usually join a very intense game where most people give all they have. I cannot resist giving 100% myself, why wouldn't i? Even in these conditions, physical contacts are very mild and the puck always stays on the ice. I understand that the rink is a lot smaller and it's a different kind of game yet it's very intense and enjoyable. Oh and speaking of that, here's a pond hockey rule: Never, ever lift the puck unless you have huge space and there is absolutely no chances of hitting someone. They puck-on-shins are so painful :D
  11. The popular highlight reel show "30 images secondes" was showing a retrospect of the years best goal and guest who's number one? David Perron vs the Isles :D "This is just world-class, unbelievable stuff."
  12. +1 The fact that he was the only one to go and shake hands with each and every one of the legends before the game, friday, shows his passion for the game and he knows what this tradition represents in MTL. Pierre Bouchard told reporters he was really impressed with Cammy's attitude last friday.
  13. Wow, that would be something ! I don't like how Pierre McGuire addressed Habs fan specifically: "LOOK Canadian fans, LOOK! This is exactly what i'm talking about, Maxime Lapierre talks and [...]" Like we were ignorant or it was our fault.
  14. I don't know if this was discussed in this thread but i'll asked. When playing recreational hockey, just for fun, nothing on the line, etc... Is there an unwritten rule that says a forward shouldn't try a slapshot when 1 on 1 vs a defense man? Most of the times, the shot will end up in the D's ankles and represents an unnecessary risk of injury. I personally get pissed off when i get shot in the ankles during a friendly game. On the other end, my brother says the D should get out of the way and let him take the far shot when seeing the forward cranking up. Makes no sense to me.
  15. Many hardcore Habs fans around me are spreading the word that Brisebois has canceled his current projects (TV show with Carbo) and his training to come out of retirement. I have no idea what to think about this...
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