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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    rbk 11k 8.5D
  • Pants
    ccm pro tack
  • Gloves
    bauer vapor xxx
  • Stick
    Easton eq50 zetterberg

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  1. I am using superfeet carbon pro yellows. I was tired of trying to get the arch supports that came with the skates to stay in place. They always came off when I took my skates off. I like the superfeet.
  2. Does the 9 have the same runner length as the 8.5?
  3. Tried on the Makos at the MN Hockey Expo today. I wear 9 in CCM. 8.5 felt a bit small, wish I had worn skate socks. I think I would go with 9 though. They have 4 or 5 ovens for fitting. You can buy them there too.
  4. They are down there. The rep said a couple of different grit wheels will be available for the x01 and x02.
  5. I used the bat gage, but didn't like it much. Then I switched to the edge checker. I thought it was OK for a while, but I noticed I would get a different reading when I put it on the opposite side of the skate. I just got a BR100 and this is definitely the one to have. After getting my edges straight with the BR100, I realized the edge checker had always been off. FYI - I tried to order from skateworks since they have an online order page, but they no longer sell it. They sent me on to blademaster.
  6. Another Wissota user here. I have no complaints with it, although this is the only machine I have used. If you live close enough to the factory in Minnesota, the owner will give you a great 1 hour lesson on it. You can also go back any time and he always is willing to answer any questions or give you another demo.
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