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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by AlGiballa23

  1. okay smartguy, is this photoshopped then? I post a topic and some idoits think they're detectives from CSI....
  2. haha no, we just have the same jerseys... HIM: ME: look at the socks.
  3. Any comments? I've been playing for about 4 weeks once a week.
  4. Helmet: CCM 652 Navy. Thought it was the x-ray blue but turned out to be the blue the st. louis blues use...Don't really like the color but helmet fits great and feels great. Shoulder: CCM 452 (great for adult/pick up, great protection even when playing w highschool kids (I'm only 17 so I play Adult but pickup with hs kids) but also great mobility.) Elbow: JOFA 9025--never played with them, just got to my house. Ordered because they were cheap and heard they were good. Gloves: Mission H550- good feel, not sure how they are compared to others as I just started but I got them for $50 so they are a pretty good deal. Pants: CCM 652- Amazing protection very padded but not too restrictive...Are somewhat restrictive though due to all the padding. My advice is not to go over 652. Shin Guards: Itech SG655 Techlite: Good feel, very protective, they have a shock absorber that works very well and protects knee/shins very well. I got them for 29.99 but they sell for $60.00...I got them from 247 hockey because they did not have the shins I originally ordered (ccm 452's) so they gave me these. Skates: CCM Vector 6.0, decent skates, fit pretty nice for my foot but not broken in yet. I think I bought them a half size too big and it makes a difference. Might have to pick up some waxed laces.
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