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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Joe

  1. I live in the greater Sacramento area. You're correct about having to drive too far for quality serivce and expertise. However, the quesiton remains, would the local hockey community support a small shop? I'd love to own and operate a shop but with everything that I have read, it seems that small retailers have it pretty tough due to large online retailers. I would have to imagine that this would only be magnified in a niche hockey market.
  2. I am considering opening up a small, service-oreinted hockey shop (new equipment and used/consignment) in my neck of the woods in Northern California. I would greatly appreciate some feedback and guidance on several items: What is the average transaction size for a customer? I know it will vary given that some people may but a full set of equipment (seasonally) and others may but small items. I am just trying to establish an average. The larger metro area that I live in only has one arena (two rinks), one roller facility and several other outdoor free rinks. My conservative estimate is that there are likely 1,000-1,700 players in the area. Is the opportunity large enough to consider?
  3. The true sweet spot is having your wife home again after being in the hospital on and off for most of January. A severe allergic reaction to a medicine and a (somewhat) planned surgery later, she's at home recovering.
  4. 1. Had a great Christmas a home in Montreal with my wife and family. 2. Played shinny hockey with my little cousin. 3. We got upgraded (unexpectedly) to first class on our 4.5 hour leg of our flight.
  5. Over the last week or so, I have not been feeling well. This morning around 2:30 am it finally came to a head, I was in unbearable pain (albeit a familiar pain)I knew I was experiencing kidney stone pain. My wife and I went to the ER and after treatment, and a CT scan I am hopefully expected to pass a 3 millimeter stone in the next 48 hours. The medicine also made me sick on the way home. What a morning.
  6. After traveling for work all week (Sacramento > Boston), I am wore out, under the weather and I need to work today because I have client presentations due. I need to book some vacation time soon.
  7. The sun is shining, and the new Jack Johnson CD is smooth.
  8. After a long work week, still needing to work on Sunday to be afloat on Monday.
  9. Did you see the move that Plekanec made to dish the puck to Hamrlik? Wow!
  10. mik3, sounds like great customer service.
  11. Today is my 27th birthday and my wife ordered CenterIce for me.
  12. Had a rare day off and I headed to the roller rink for the first time in ages and only one other person was there. Thankfully, there was at least one person playing but the Sacramento area is certainly not a hockey hotbed.
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