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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About kornsined

  • Birthday 06/21/1983

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  1. If someone is looking for this curve nowadays, is pro stock the only option? Which players use it currently? I had a few of these back in the day and loved them. Would love to try it again.
  2. I was considering the Mako M7 but my LHS doesn't have any in 6.5EE. Can't even find a Mako II or M8 anywhere locally to see if I like the fit and boot. Along my stops I did see the x100 for $370 and did like them. Are the M7's going to be worth the wait for a similar price or should I scoop the x100's? Really wish there was a Mako in my size to make a decisive decision.
  3. Even though I love mine, I'm surprised no one mentioned them. T'Blades.
  4. yeah i wonder how much the adrenaline weighs? same as last year 425? i have one but didn't get to test it out properly since it was an inch too long. it feels to be close to the 425-435 w/ grip.
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