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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Always heard great things about True. I tried some Makos a while back and just found I couldn't get the same ROM from them. When I saw the True skates, the customizable options seem great however the overall design seemed quite similar knowing Cruickshank and Van Horne come from speed skating backgrounds.
  2. Hello all. Looking for some advice. I've always been a supreme user and I've gotten used to the range of motion you get with their flexible tendon gaurds. I've tried other skates and have never been able to adjust as I feel they never allow me the same range of motion. For players looking to switch from Supreme, what options are out there? If I'm looking to get into a pair of True skates, is there anything that can be done to accommodate this feature? I've looked online and can't seem to find any info on this topic. Thanks in advance
  3. sn1per

    Easton Stealth

    Easton Stealth 100flx left Modano User - 6' 170lbs Blade - So far, the blade has held up really well. I can see where the "liveliness' comes in as it took a little while to get used to it. 9 Flex - Definitely not 100flx, feels like 90-95 or so Stickhandling/receiving passes - The weight on this thing is ridiculous and its pretty good for puckhandling. Receiving passes is not too bad on this thing, different coming from the si-core. But the thing is too light that when you're trying to cut off passes through the middle, with a decent weighted stick, you can stop the puck, but with this weightless twig, the puck just bounces and keeps on going. - 8.5 Shooting - Absolutely amazing. Phenomenal. Never had a better shooting stick. Wristers and snapshots really take off and the clapper is so money it's not even funny. pure performance stick -10 Weight and balance - The lightest stick I've ever played with. Amazing balance and when you skate, it doesn't even feel like there's anything in your hands. Only difficulty is that when this thing breaks, my other OPS will feel "heavy" in comparison. I picked up my inno 1100 the other day and I got so used to the stealth weight that the inno felt heavy. 9 Durability - so far so good. paint chips off but who cares about how the stick looks? 10/10 Intangibles -I enjoy how the top end of the stick is narrower and it fits in my hands really nicely. The paint job is pretty cool but i really don't care about the stick. In fact, I'd probably rather play with a blacked out stick so that people don't try and hack my stick because it's 3 bills. Bottom line, this is an amazing stick but its bloody expensive. I got this as a replacement for a broken si-core, so I'm pretty happy but would never pay 3 bills for this stick. I got the si-core for cheap, it broke so overall I didn't invest much. But hey, if you got a ton of money to blow, fire away. Overall - 9/10
  4. sn1per

    Bauer 4000 HH

    Fit: this bucket generally fits my head well and there are no complaints about it whatsoever. 10/10 Protection: Gotten some use out of it going into the boards after being slewfooted into the boards, could have a bit more shock protection but overall, my head still works. I'm not sure if EPS on other helmets will do that much of a difference 8/10. Weight: Fairly light and that's due to it's low profile design. Not too much extra stuff. I wonder how much lighter they could get this thing if they used EPS. 8/10. Durability: So far, mine has held up, but i've seen a whole ton of them cracking at the adjustment screw areas. 8/10 Intangibles: I guess this is a pretty good looking helmet although fit and protection should be the most important factors. Good that you can remove the ear gaurds and I like the floating ear loops. 9/10 Conclusion: This helmet fits most heads from my experience and all round, without breaking the bank, this a great helmet. 8.25/10
  5. Bucket: HH4000 +HX50 Visor Shoulders: Itech SP655/ SP50 (depending on who I'm playing with) Elbows: crappy Vics Pants: Bauer Supreme 4000 Shins: Jofa 5500 Skates: Vapor XX Gloves: Easton Z-Air 2002 Sticks: Innovative 1100 Kaberle Pro Return
  6. sn1per

    Easton Cyclone

    Easton Cyclone Shaft Background:6' 155lbs Shaft: Easton Cyclone Graphite 95 flex Blade Used: Innovative Mogilny Modifications: removed butt end completely Initial Impression: I was looking for a really light shaft to play with and there was a couple left at my work. I've always played with a stiffer stick prior to this and wanted something a bit softer. I also wanted one with a rounded grip and so this was the shaft I was leaning towards. Stick feel: I personally love the feel of this stick and the ability to puckhandle because the stick is lighter and I can control the stick better with rounded grips. 10/10 Shooting: Took a while to get used to this shaft but after a while, my shots were on. The wrist shot feels nice with this stick but I think I can still get a harder shot with my Ultralite. 8/10 Durability: So far, this stick has held up on some pretty bad slashes considering I play with a bunch of hacks in my beer league. The colorshift has chipped off in quite a few places especially towards the blade end of the stick. Other than the paint chipping off, I don't have any problems with it. I'm willing to bet that my ultralite or rubber will still hold up better in the long run though.9/10 Conculsion: I go with other sticks at the beginning of games but somehow end up going to this stick by the end. I love playing with this stick because it's so light and well balanced with the inno blade and isn't that bad performance wise. For $100 CAN for a guy who is looking for a really light shaft that is rounded in grip size, this is a great shaft to go to. 9/10
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