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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by kayhat12

  1. Im looking through these replies and I cant help but wonder, how many sticks is "too many" sticks? I cant help it but I want a couple more. Do I need them? Absolutely not! But I cant help buying them! Someone please tell me Im not alone in this thought.
  2. Well how about this question then. I am trying to decide whether or not I should get the vapor XXXX's or if I should hold out for these U+'s. The two most important things for me is stiffness and durability. What is a guy to do!?!?!?!
  3. I was just wondering about the stiffness of the U+ skates. Can anyone give me a comparison between the stiffness of these in the ankle and forefoot area to other skates on the market from 07. Appreciate it. Ohhh and one more thing! What do you guys think the durability of these skates is going to be like?
  4. Edge. Just to let you know. Even though the Tuuk holders in many peoples opinion are the best holders ever made, they do not work all that well for the Easton line. From what I have talked about with my LHS buddies, the skate has a different flex point than the tuuk was intended for, so the steel bends and breaks prematurely. Now with the "bad" steel that you have, meaning the steel with the holes in them, just be careful and inspect the steel a lot because they will more than likely break faster than the easton holders+steel. But it is a pretty sick look non the less.
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