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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by FALLEN87

  1. New Stuff. XXXLITE Pants And 3 Warrior Dolomites.
  2. EWH in San Fransico when i was down there . I am preety sure they have them on there website aswell
  3. Yep. Permanent marker
  4. As soon as i take a picture of my Black and red vent 8k you will see how much better it is then the tap job that the guy did. Mine is paint with 2 coats of clear coat looks exactly like the CHL ones. Its a beauty.
  5. Helmet: 8k Cage: Itech Gloves: Eagle Russia Not Oddossy Shoulder Pads: Nike v-14 Pants: Rbk 8k and XXXlite Elbow: Nike V-14 Shin: Nike V-14 Skates: Vapor xx with T Blades and Vapor xx with LS2 Power Stick: Vector 10.0 Lemiux One90 Naslund XXXlite Naslund Backup: Synergy ST Sakic and Synergy SL Sakic
  6. Sniper14 Doesnt have a xxxlite or MIA Gloves haha and those pics are someone elses because he doesnt live in a house he lives in a apartment in the Air lol
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