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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by deadmanjolt

  1. I am probably the only one, but now that a few of their gloves have the anti microbial liner they've actually joined my interested in list.
  2. The ST2 short hosel blade is dead this coming year then? I guess I have to start picking up some heatleys for my future.
  3. Here Goes: Helmet: Bauer 5000 with Bauer 8500 cage Shoulders: Sherwood 5000 Shins: Sherwood 5000 Elbows: RBK 4k Gloves: Bauer Vapor X or Itech 6600 Pants: Kohos made from what protects like tissue paper STICK: RBK 4k datsyuk, Vapor shaft with p106 blade, Sherwood 5030 Coffey Skates: Mission L7
  4. A quick cheap alternative to new skates right away might be Superfeet insoles. I dont think there are many skates with a narrower heel than the Vapors. You mihgt have to go custom to get a AA heel. Is the rest of your skate fitted well? Toes feathering the cap? Width locking in the forefoot?
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