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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I have had Trues since the November and have had probably about a dozen skates on them. I have baked them twice, the second time with the wrap. I have narrow, low volume feet, which scan as Bauer Vapor 5.25 or 5.5. My prior skates were custom Vapor XXXX size 5.5 with level 4 stiffness (very hard to break in/should have ordered 3, but worked out great long term). I have weighed between 175 and 160; I now weigh 160, but probably 175 when I bought my Vapors in 2007. My observations regarding Trues are as follows: 1. Most comfortable new skates ever. 2. Great and quick customer service--my skates were made in two weeks. 3. Great fit and finish. 4. Great heat moldability. 5. These skates are not narrow or low volume. They are wider and with greater volume (I can fit my index finger under the pencil) than my Vapors (I indicated my prior skates on the order form). I also can't use my custom Superfeet because there is too large of a gap between the boot and the SP arch support. I feel like I essentially got a Supreme fit 5.5. I saw a previous poster had the facing reduced; I wished I had done so to reduce the volume. This brings up this question, has anyone had a pair of Trues made that were truly narrow and low volume as dictated by narrow and low volume feet? I am not complaining and knowingly took a risk. However, based on my experience, I would think hard about ordering these if you have narrow, low volume feet.
  2. Interesting story. BC did not have varsity until 94-95, which was pretty late compared to local schools like Brown, NU, Harvard, and UNH. https://bceagles.com/sports/2017/7/6/womens-hockey-archives.aspx
  3. Same with me. I will be drinking the equivalent of a brand new top of the line stick tonight.
  4. I think you need a chest strap to get an accurate heart rate reading during activity. The movement of the wrist can affect the reading. I track my heart rate with a Polar H10.
  5. I found the same with light/low speed actions and noticed it every time I lined up for a face off.
  6. ZC 4 I am very happy with FBV, so it was easier to go back to that than figure out exactly what permutation of ZC works best for me.
  7. I skated on Z Channel done by Bob aka Jimmy and am going back to FBV. I found ZC good for straight ahead skating, but I felt that I had less control and grip on turns.
  8. Leave your sticks by the door of the locker room. Crowded rooms become more crowded when skaters prop their sticks on the locker room benches next to themselves.
  9. Definitely not true. I wear a half shield and knowingly assume the risk as evidenced by my prior trips to the ER for stitches.
  10. I am sure it’s written in one of the previous posts, but it can’t be reiterated enough: keep your stick down! I took a stick to the face last night playing pickup and the offender had the puck (and a full cage). I have no idea what he was trying to do, maybe put the puck between my legs and then cut inside me, but he hit my mouth with enough force to chip my left upper front tooth (I was wearing a custom mouth guard molded by a dentist) in addition to splitting open my lip for stitches. This is an especially important rule when there is a mix of full cages, half shields, and no facial protection.
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