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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by AnthonyJTa

  1. I'm getting a little antsy for mine, now that I see Drurys are in the mail. I didn't know that they were offering anything below 100 flex, I'll just have to hang onto mine and try to trade if it's too stiff for me (most likely will be).

    That'd make 2 of us, Rustspot.. It's good to see that pattern is shipping despite it being available at retail yet. I guess I'll just have to be more patient. I've been pretty anxious to see if I got a lid too, as I need a new one anyways....

  2. My bet would be Pure Hockey.

    Can you order online from them or is it just a few local shops?

    They're not an e-tailer, but they have been known to take orders via phone/email. I have one locally, but some people here have ordered from them.


  3. When do you think we'd be able to see all the new 08 gear in our local shops? Just would like to get an idea as to when I should look for some 07 clearance items.

    Welcome to the board!! The answer to your question, just happens to be a sentence you'll hear a LOT being a member... it all comes out in the spring. So spring 2008, you'll start to see new product.

  4. is it true what it says that once the one95 are heat molded they will fit any foot shape?

    and will more pro shop people be more apt to like them and letting you try them on every time i asked to try on the one90's they said you wont like them there all plastic? so i had to buy them off ebay to finally get to try them on. and quickly sold cause i hated them? will these be more awesome?

    I raise an eyebrow if a local shop won't bring out a $500+ skate for someone to check out. Just how awesome IS more awesome?

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