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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Mission He950
  • Hockey Bag
    Nike/Bauer Vapor (Non-Wheel)
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Supreme 5000 Gel-Series (Best Ever Made)
  • Elbow Pads
    Jofa 9044? (only the best)
  • Shoulder Pads
    None (I play roller)
  • Pants
    Nexed Roller Hockey Pants
  • Helmet
    Bauer 5000
  • Gloves
    Eagle x70i ProGlo
  • Stick
    Easton Stealth CNT Grip (85 Flex Drury)

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  1. Great article. Can't wait to see what he does this year.
  2. I agree with all the posts above, being from the midwest, playing AAA hockey the elite teams are the Little Caesar's/Honeybaked/Belle Tire/Victory Honda/Compuware...etc of course you Michigan'ers get all of them. Teams are just ridiculous. I think the Little Caesar's uni's are dirty.
  3. Spree, that truck is a beauty. Great pick.
  4. I'm going to take a long shot guess and say you play for Orland Park?
  5. Here is my newest pair (ice-inline conversion). Skates Best conversion I've used to date. Boot: Stealth s11 Chassis: Mission MG Wheels: Front 2=Dynasty's, 3rd wheel=Millenniums, Last Wheel=Revisions Bearings: Swiss
  6. Sprungster I completely agree. This is my 2nd set of Vapor boots I've converted, the first being a pair of Vapor XXs. They are really the only boot I've found to fit me that doesn't hurt. With that, the plus of them being light and pretty damn stiff I think they great conversion skates. I just liked how the design of the boot and the Vanguard went together. I wish the Trinity wheels came in black or white, but I could care less about the lime green. They are by far the best wheels I've used to date. I'd eventually like to get set up on a pair of XXXXs but that will probably be my next project once these wear out. I need to give the new Sprungs a shot though, the first gen for some reason I felt weren't sturdy enough for how hard I skate. I'll probably be buying a set in the near future to try on my Wicked 1s.
  7. Should work fine now. Not the best picture but still decent. If anyone wants anymore let me know and I can upload some more.
  8. As promised earlier, my new set-up: Bauer Vapor XXX boots paired with the MG Vanguard Chassis with Swiss Bearings and Hyper Trinity wheels. Vapor XXX Conversion
  9. Will have pics later for you guys but I dropped my new pair of XXX boots off at the LHS today to be converted on some black MG Vanguards with some brand new hyper trinities and swiss bearings. Should have pics up Wednesday after I pick them up.
  10. Only problem I ever had with wearing mine like that ( don't wear anything anymore since I don't play competitive ) but when I would get hit hard the chin cup would slam down pretty hard and could gash the chin in general or under it kind of easy. As far as that goes though, there's no other way to wear a cage.
  11. CapsFan where did you get those all black XXXs? Those are sick and I've been trying to find a pair of all black XXXs forever.
  12. TC, not going to lie, those new uni's are dirty. Also, sick MIA's. The more and more I see them I'm about to break down and throw down some $$$ for some customs.
  13. Everything XXXX....nice, how are the shins/elbows and gloves?
  14. Thought this was kind of funny while being kind of cool, the kid is being mentioned everywhere these days. David Perron is "THE MAN" Enjoy. (Also, congrats on the great numbers this season David. Amazing stuff so far.)
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