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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by hockeyplyr814

  1. It really is, especially now that we are on the same team. It helps me, as a defensemen, to have a better understanding of exactly what he is trying to do when he comes out to play the puck. And if he does mess up, I am finaly allowed to blame the goalie. :P
  2. Me (#99) and my brother (the goalie). Me again. Here is a series of photos I took at one of my brothers tournaments last year:
  3. Helmet- NBH 5500 Pants- Mission M-2(Getting RBK 8k soon) Skates- Bauer Vapor 5 ( upgrading real soon ) Gloves- Warrior Kingpin Shin- Easton Synergy Shoulder- Easton Synergy Elbow- Jofa Stick- Bauer Endure w/ Easton Synergy II Lindstrom blade Easton Z-Carbon w/Lindstrom curve NBH ONE60 w/St. Louis curve
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