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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Eternal

  1. My dad was like that for a while until i convinced him to replace the corvette he wanted with the roadster. He comes home after a long drive in it and thanks me for pushing him that way. The car just puts a smile on your face and its rare where i'm from on the way to pick it up we counted 17 vettes and one 4 banger Z3. We like the stuff people don't see all to often
  2. When i have the cash i really want to find an e30 to work on i have such a soft spot for them
  3. I was iffy on him getting the S52 and then I drove it and loved it. Its got way more low end then the S54 and that suits our driving styles better plus its a roadster you just want to cruise in it its not a track car. Best thing with the car is the mechanical feel it has, i just feel like i'm part of the car driving it.
  4. My Dad just picked up an 2000 M roadster. Gotta say even with the S52 its a great car lots of low end. Mods to come of course
  5. Helmets: NBH 9500, Mission Intake Visors: Itech Fx100 Gloves: Eagle X6 Elbows: JOFA/RBK 8090 Shins: Bauer 6000 Shoulders: Bauer 8000 Pants: Bauer 5000 Skates: Bauer XXX edit-typo
  6. I've heard so many people say not to worry about voiding the warranty so i'm probably going to go that way. Just need the cash for it first. Either way the car stock is a blast to drive and its got such a good sleeper status. edit-spelling
  7. 8.5 hoping to throw some more stuff into it, undecided at the moment really CAI is a must. I want to keep it to speed parts until the Warranty is finished just incase something goes wrong. I've looked into the mazdaspeed exhaust but it really doesn't add that much to the overall power. I've got a contact at mazda who has his own shop (strictly works with turbos) and hes fully done his MS3 so i may take it to him to get certain things done. The car is still a blast to drive(although only once) i'm sure like anything i'll want to throw something more into it. We are all gear whores we can't just be satisfied with what we have.
  8. Have this sitting in the garage waiting for the spring http://www.thetorquereport.com/mazdaspeed_3-thumb.jpg Its the Speed3 not the GT, sorry I don't have a picture of the actual car but its covered up and 2 hours away from me right now. Hoping to get the the mazdaspeed CAI for it, but have to wait for Mazda to re-engineer it hopefully back on the market when it comes out.
  9. He could use a different stick for each game of the season.. almost he could use a different stick for almost every shift of a few games...the only problem would be carting the stick around for each game. I don't think any one makes bags big enough for 12-15 sticks though.
  10. Is the Vapor XXX in the middle one of the first NikeBauer ones? I've never seen them with writing that small. Edit- Spelling
  11. Skates- Bauer XXX Gloves- Bauer 5000 Pants Bauer 5000 Helmet- Mission Intake w/ Itech x100 Shins- Bauer 8000 Elbows- jofa 8035 Shoulders- Bauer 8000 defenders Stick- Vapor XXX-lite
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