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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Montreal, QC

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  1. does it buldge or is that just the colours doing that?
  2. You've got some hot lookin gloves there TBL!
  3. There was a long article in the Hockey News about NHLers with tatoos and they were talking about Ryan Malone and Jaime Rivers and I like what they had to say:
  4. Lovin the MSH jersey. Was the kit easy to put on?
  5. Broken Yellow Synergy Grip...Thinking about getting the Ak27 Shaft, I've heard good stuff about it
  6. One I haven't used it yet so durability I dunno about and Two that takes skill not a specific blade
  7. Is it just me or do those holders look too small for that boot? I think they are, those are old LS1 holders, all vapor xxx came with LS2's so those are either pro stocks or someone had swapped out the holder. Yeah they're way too short at the toe
  8. AK27 Blade Draper Curve My Favorite Jersey-Habs w/my name + fave no.
  9. Is it just me or do those holders look too small for that boot?
  10. I saw a One90 stick'um at my LHS pretty sweet, didn't notice the checkered blade though I was also surprised that the grip is sticky over top of the tactile (sp?) on the reg. One90
  11. The Kovalchuk is like the Smyth on Drugs its crazy!
  12. wow.... What kind of easton blades are those? Custom?
  13. Man those Flexlites are sweet, where did you get that chassis?
  14. sickkk i love the old school Lemieux Jersey
  15. Sick curve! East West Hockey?
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