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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Ontario, Canada

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  1. picked these up off of ebay for 90$ including shipping from the U.S. thought it was a pretty good deal they are pretty much brand new looks like they are brand new actually. these gloves are so comfy. they also say skills challenge 2009 not sure what there from but im very happy with my purchase. sorry about the pictures there from my iphone, only camera i got.
  2. i can agree v08s are nice. I have a pair, got them in the states when i was down there about two months ago. I skate about twice a week and i'm loving them and there holding up great. enjoy and hopefully you have no durability promlems. My first high endish skate.
  3. for you lefties looking for t wood look a like xxx lite found this, you can thank me later http://cgi.ebay.ca/Vapor-XXX-lite-one-piec...A1%7C240%3A1318
  4. heres a little something just bought the CCM V08's fit me awesome after i got them baked like a glove, and the RBK islanders/oilers socks. also there is a 9500 helemt, NBH 4 rolls not included: s17,one95, sticks. XXV shins eastons s7 elbows sherwood PMP sholders( dont use very often except for highschool games) easton stealth fusion pants (looking to upgrade) and my mission intake (itechD100 visior) for pick up shockdoctor jock all in all starting to come together i jsut recently started gettting some good equipment and boy does it feel better :) hope you guys like it all.
  5. good enough for 99% of the players in the show!!! lol :D haha i didnt mean the stick was talking about how i put my pic up the sticks are plenty good and i absolutly LOVE the one95 it is amazing. and i also liked my s17 but the blades a little wonky now.
  6. there we go its all good. not really what i wanted, but good enough.
  7. my little stick collection:
  8. wonger if you dont mind me asking how much did those run you?
  9. i alos heard the ones with the checkerboard where 40's jsut painted over, forgot where i red that.
  10. TBL those arnott gloves are so beautiful man i wish i had them haha o well maybe one day if you ever sell them
  11. TBL when your not sick can you take a pic of all your gloves together i would love to see the mall at one time :)
  12. plus those both fit very different so try them both on, or take it down a notch to the s11 and vapor xxv? just a suggestion probably save you money you obviously don't need to spend if your gonna ask if there to stiff chances are you dont need them, i could be wrong so dont hate me. just trying to help.
  13. go read back a few pages...jsut cause i doubt you will or find it, its an adam foote prostock/collectible.
  14. and the average person isnt 6'3
  15. the 8k with the jofa visor, almost looks like you mounted it upside down haha :P
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