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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. johnnyi

    Mission Intake

    Mission Intake (Senior Medium - Black) Reason for purchase: Bought to replace my Bauer 5000 Type of use: Ice hockey leagues (w/ contact) 2-3x per week Fit: 9/10 The only reason why I didn't rate this section at a 10/10 is that the helmet still employs screws for adjusting the main fit. One of the features I had liked about my Bauer 5000 was the flip clip - and you didn't have to worry about screws coming loose or stripping. The occipital lock doesn't apply very much pressure on the back, so I'd say that it only very minimally ensures that the helmet will remain in place moreso than others. Overall though, the fit was very snug and comfortable. Protection: 9/10 I underwent several checking drills over the past couple of days, and did not have any negative feedback about the protection that this helmet seems to provide. Very solid without being too solid. Weight: 9/10 It is light enough for you not to notice it... I tried on both the RBK 8K and Mission Intake and to be honest didn't notice that much of a difference. Sure you can probably feel an extra ounce if you're holding the two, but once on your head, you won't notice it... Durability: 10/10 So far so good, but I haven't had it long enough to really warrant any true durability feedback on the longevity of the construction. It does feel very well made though. Intangibles: 9/10 The first time I skated with this, I noticed right away how cool my head felt (ice hockey). My main problem with my Bauer 5000 was that especially at the end of a shift I really noticed how hot my head was feeling and it seemed to wear me down. Not once with the Intake did I have this problem, I entirely forgot I had a helmet on (except when I got hit in the head) - which is in my mind a successful helmet - what more could you ask for. My ONLY problem with the Mission Intake is the graphics that are printed on the soft padding inside the helmet to diagram the airflow. They're printed with a blue ink which rubbed off on my forehead within a matter of minutes... It's not needed, so hopefully future models don't employ this approach (Plus, why do you need graphics on the INSIDE of your helmet?). Overall: 9/10 This is certainly the best helmet I have ever owned. Aside from the aforementioned Bauer 5000, I have also used the old-school Jofa (not fair to hold in the same category) and an old CCM. Why not a 10/10? Don't get me wrong, this is a GREAT helmet, but I think that with the technology advances in equipment that Mission's next model will be even better. For now though, I'm convinced that it's the best one on the market. UPDATE 3/30: While leaving the ice after my game last night, I removed my helmet and noticed my hair was still dry... this never was the case with my Bauer 5000 - I was always soaked.
  2. For now: Helmet: Bauer 5000 Visor: Itech HS22 Straight (Small) Shoulder: None Elbow: Bauer 400 Gloves: Bauer Vapor XV Pants: Easton Synergy Shins: Mission Fuel 85 Skates: Bauer 6000/Mission S500 Shaft: Warrior AK27 Blade: Warrior AK27 Draper
  3. johnnyi

    Warrior AK-27

    Background: 6'2", 190 Type of Play: all ice Frequency: 2x per week Blades Used (in order): - CCM Aramid Recchi - Sher-wood Axion Bourque - Warrior AK27 Draper Initial Impression: Non-aesthetic impressions were that the shaft was light, but surprisingly not as light as I had thought - but that was quickly a non-issue once I put it to use. My only beef is due to my size that the 3" end plug it came with wasn't long enough for me - I needed a total of 6" - but obviously not any fault of the stick... just get a new end plug for $5. Flex: After using Easton 100-flexes for years, I thought I'd give the Warrior 85-flex a shot since there aren't as many oppportunities for slap shots in the two leagues I play in. I was looking for something with a quicker release and couldn't use a true-tapered shaft as I think durability at my height/play would be a factor. Off the bat, the 85 was definately a cannon of a shot on one timers and held very true on wrist shots (not much deviation from where I was aiming). 9/10 Weight: This is a light shaft - not the lightest out there, but certainly light enough for you to not think about it - and has just enough weight on it for very good puck feel (doesn't feel hollow or flimsy). 9/10 Shooting: Again, slap shots were probably the most powerful of any stick/shaft I have ever used - though I don't get much opportunity (other than warm-ups) to unleash one... On one timers, this shaft was amazing - the puck just seemed to fly off faster than I could watch it. Excellent on snap shots, and with wrist shots, I was able to put the puck in a locale true to my aim. 9/10 PS - If I'm not mistaken, this is the same shaft that Chara used to win the Hardest Shot honors in this years Skills Competition... Passing: Passes are true to form... 9/10 Durability: Now this is where my only negative comes from, but it could be from one of a couple of reasons. I loved my first AK27 and used it 2-3x per week at a very competitive level for about 6 months straight. It 'chose' a bad time to break - on a penalty shot late in a tie game - I pulled back to recoil for a quick wrister, and it broke just above the connection point of the blade. No problem I thought - it served me well enough to order a second one. Well, the second one lasted me one game, and during warm-up for the next game, it shattered at about the same spot as the first one (just above the connection point of the blade) on a slap shot during warm-ups. It literally got 1 hour of use. I checked the shaft before using and there were no visual signs of damage and it hadn't been impacted in the first game. With inconsistent life-spans between the first (6 mos) and the second (1 hour) AK27 shafts I've had, I can't tell if this second was a fluke or if I had been lucky with the first. Either way, I have to mark durability as a 6/10 for now until I receive my third (replacement). I'll edit this post when that one has seen it's last days. 6/10 Overall: Aside from the experience with the second shaft breaking after only one hour of use, this is one heck of a shaft with a great shot, a great feel, and is true to form. As long as you aren't just looking for the lightest shaft for bragging rights, you'll enjoy the AK27. 8.5/10
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