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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Hazard14

  1. after the hardware, arent you left with holes in your bones from the screws making the bones stregnth and structure weakened
  2. the U.S. treasury holds auctions of various stuff they confiscate from criminals, you can find amazing deals on anything
  3. how about an older model mid range/luxury car, such as like a 3-series from like 2002, or a CLK mercedes from a couple years back. definatley fun to drive, plus they're nice, and dont cost to much something like this maybe http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NO-RESERVE-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  4. yep its the new XN10 roll cage being offered by TPS now, but seriously though thats just his stick most likely because his back is in the backseat
  5. that looks like a pretty nasty fracture, did it break completley though or no. only three weeks huh, thats really good (well better than 6, like i did) good luck with recovery
  6. wow im wearing one of my famous shirts now too
  7. there wasn't any specific color scheme i was trying to go for, but i just was playing with the customizer on their website and thought those colors looked good together. whats the website url, checked google no finds
  8. you got the SE Fuel with it too?
  9. yep by 6-8 weeks he means that after the 6-8 weeks (i only needed 6, thank god) the cast will come off, but that doesnt mean right after its taken off you can walk, like with me the bone healed completely but the bone is still fragile so i cant put any weight on it, so its cructhes for me for 3 weeks
  10. that other post was mine, i broke my ankle aswell (straight through the growth plate on the tibia side, i think). it depends where the break really is and how well you heal and respond to physical therapy. when you get the cast taken off i strongly recommend going to a physical therapy (has greatly helped me), and then your doctor along with your physical therapist will decided when they think its the right time to return to hockey, its not a good idea to go back too early as hockey is considered a dangerous sport and you could reinjure it. where exactly did you break it, you can even post an X-Ray if you'd like, because that would be simpler to understand
  11. yes the R8's are very sexy
  12. oh wow that must suck
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