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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About thefelixculpa

  • Birthday February 25

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  1. J Roddy Walston and the Business....really good pure rock band, amazing live show...they're my cousin in-law's band from DC. www.myspace.com/jroddy also, My band! (I drum) http://www.myspace.com/itsteeth listen to "Run Like Hell" or "Antarctica" We try to play heavy/pretty/epic instrumental stuff along the lines of Red Sparowes, Russian Circles, Minus the Bear(minus vocals), This Will Destroy You...only obviously we're not as good as those bands.
  2. I had been using a hi-lo for the past number of years and after the initial period of adjustment I really liked the Hummr...however when I used them for the first time in real game action at a tournament a slap shot hit my skate and dented the right chassis in (which I posted about here a while ago). Tour was good to me and allowed me to send the skates in and they put a replacement chassis on each skate, however they had to use an older model of the Hummr because the new Hummrs that come on the 9.9 and Qs were not yet available by themselves. I don't really know why, but this chassis felt different to me than the new black ProSet II hummr that came with the skates. Something just felt off and it affected my skating so I just put the Vanguard on and it solved the problem. I'm not the biggest fan of it, but in need of a Tour boot, I had to choose between that and the Q. I feel like the 9.9 is the lesser ugly of the two.
  3. A little shameless self promotion sort of...but check out the band I used to drum for: http://www.myspace.com/thisortheapocalypse I left due to my lack of desire to be in a year round touring band, but they are still alive and about to boom. Their debut full length is coming out next month and can be found anywhere. Someone hacked and deleted their myspace recently which sucks because myspace is a major marketing tool and they lost all their contacts. Also....I miss Anatomy of a Ghost
  4. I've keeping my eye on the Magnesium Vanguard for a while to put on my Tour cobalt boots. Money issues are making me lean towards the aluminum vanguard now. Not that it's really that important having a super light skate since our legs are pretty strong, but will the aluminum vanguard make the skate noticeably heavier? I know the humm'r is aluminum also, but I can't figure out why it costs twice as much as the vanguard.
  5. they are an acquired taste in my opinion. I didn't like them when I was younger. As I learned more about music and more about playing instruments myself I became able to appreciate and enjoy what they do. I'll say that I don't like their latest album nearly as much as Miss Machine and Calculating Infinity, and last year when they lost their drummer Chris Pennie (one of the best drummers around today), who played a big role in the song writing process, I lost a lot of interest in them. If you just watch the beats he played along with the songs, you can see how much musicianship goes into what Dillinger does. Chris Pennie:
  6. I've been hit with a sudden urge to give some new music a listen. I spend a lot of time scoping out the music scene and learning about new bands, but I'm just not finding anything that catches my ear lately. I'll be typical and say I like everything, but there are really three main focal points of my taste in music: -Heavy/epic sounding/atmospheric instrumental stuff like: Russian Circles, Rosetta, Caspian, Red Sparowes, Envy (not instrumental, but might as well be) -Loud/Fast/Heavy stuff like Converge, Between the Buried and Me, Dillinger Escape Plan, Meshuggah and last but probably the most important, -Soft/groovy/catchy indie rock with a good beat like Nada Surf, Minus the Bear, Engine Down I'd say Thrice is probably my favorite band, but they are pretty much uncategorizable(not a word, but who cares) considering how much their songs differ from each other. Anyway....does anybody know of some bands they think I'd like?
  7. Bones Reds are great for their price. They heavily out perform BSB Abec 9s for 20 dollars less.
  8. just curious, how big of a difference does it make using aluminum Vangard over the Magnesium? My Lieutenant skates with the aluminum feel really heavy but I can't tell if that weight is from the boot or from the chassis. I want to put them on my Tour cobalts possibly but I wonder if it would feel weird pairing a heavier chassis with a really light boot.
  9. Roller Hockey only... Helmet: Bauer 4500 Shield/Cage:CCM Vector, ItechConcept II full shield...depending how I feel Elbows: Easton S9 Shins: TPS R6...great value Gloves: Bauer Vapor XX...amazing Sticks/shafts: Easton Synergy II 85flex, 2x NBH One90 100flex, TPS RL XN10 85flex Skates: Tour Cobalt 9.9, Mission Lieutenant (trying to sell), NBH Accel Lites
  10. www.myspace.com/thisortheapocalypse my old band i left a while ago...they are still moving strong w/o me though. give them a listen.
  11. What has changed about the AK27 blade that makes it 10 grams lighter? It says 165 grams on all the models I've ever seen in LHS....155 grams listed on the catalogue.
  12. I hate Coheed for stealing my favorite drummer from one of my favorite bands.
  13. If you simply don't like The Mars Volta, fair enough. I'm not trying to argue or stick up for them, but what exactly do you find to be "pretentious"? They think they are so cool because they can write lyrics in two different languages throughout the same song :P
  14. so...which one is sparta and which one is the mars volta in this description? I like the Mars Volta, but I can't listen to more than one or two songs at a time...I respect what they are creating though. Sparta isn't anything special, I do enjoy them when I feel like listening to some simple rock though.
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