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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About cityofwalrus

  • Birthday 07/16/1985


  • Skates
    CCM Vector 10.0
  • Hockey Bag
    Shock Doctor
  • Shin Pads
    Easton S15
  • Elbow Pads
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
    KOHO swedish league
  • Helmet
    RBK 8K (a JOFA cage)
  • Gloves
    CCM Vector Pro
  • Stick
    RBK 9K and CCM U+

Profile Information

  • Location
    Studio City, CA
  • Gender

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  1. Almost ready to re-skate on these. Once my RBK 8Ks almost go out and once I move out to LA I'll use these but..
  2. Old Kohos. My friend from Sweden came over and played some pick-up with me and we're the same size and he left them for me cause he was buying some new pants once he got back to Sweden and well I've had them since and I love em.
  3. Yeah its the new West rink at Arctic Edge.
  4. Got some new pics from last weeks game.
  5. I remember a long time ago the Bloomington Jefferson High School Varsity's ice rink used to have the clear boards... back when i was a mini-mite.. They were sweet on ice rinks..
  6. Thanks, I played up till College almost 2 years ago.. and I always want to go to pro tryouts but I just don't end up doing it. I just play adult mens league but the mens league is a good mens league as far as competition goes.
  7. My dad bought a Wissota skate sharpening machine during my final season of juniors so now we just keep that and i let him do my skates.. I don't trust any other people to sharpen my skates anymore. When I lived in utah for college hockey I bought 2 pairs of steel and he sharpened them and sent to me and when i was done with 2 steel I would send them back after he sharpened them again. Now since I just play adult league all I need to do is tell him they need sharpened, its awesome. On the topic of how you get your skates sharpened at...I'm 9/16" or 5/8ths depending on the ice surface.
  8. We basically have the same skate except for the laces..
  9. were those basically 9ks with no pumps? They were the top of the line RBKs before the 9k/ppumps They were RBKs first skate but basically the same feel of the Vectors with RBK's mods.. Warriorsdman - I really like them, I got them after I had them after my first gen CCM Vectors fell apart. I wore them for one season and the got the CCM Vector 10s. I wore the Vectors for one season then I started wearing these again because I switched to tongues out instead under my sock and the 8k have a stronger tongue. I haven't worn the vectors since and I probably won't till my RBk's fall apart.
  10. Thanks, it was my 2nd game after dying them.. worked perfectly.
  11. New pictures taken at my first game of the season... Getting ready for a penalty shot (Missed )
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