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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by revolutionz_s13

  1. Just got a late xmas present from my uncle...he is a personal trainer down in the cities, and got me this stick...isn't the best stick, but made up for it by getting it autographed by marion gaborik :D
  2. LOL...i was playing around with the forums, seeing what different coding it would let me use...i fixed it now :P
  3. Went and picked up a new twig today, first Easton ever. Sr. Synergy ST, Sakic, 85flex Full Size (1024x768) Full Size (1024x768)
  4. Just got in the new gloves I ordered from my lhs... The white and black looks awesome in person!
  5. just picked up a set of vapor xxxx skates, now i need to get rid of my one90 skates....dont need to be sitting on over $1000 worth of skates
  6. Well, the One90's just didnt want to cooperate with my feet, so just picked up the new XXXX skates... so far, so good...
  7. LOL...i actually had a pair of Vapor XIV in between the old triumphs and the One90's. :lol:
  8. I spose i could post mine now that i got around to takin pics.... The old skool bauers...got em from my dad, these are what i learned to skate on.... here are skates an sticks...
  9. good cars when a turbo kit is added...pretty lacking in power until you get way up in the rpms...i've driven one with a greddy turbo kit and it made a world of difference...
  10. Well, I'm a n00b here, so might as well start here: skates: NBH supreme one90 sticks: NBH one90 (pm9/St. Louis), vapor v2 (p88/Lindros) shins: bauer 4000 pants: easton synergy 700 elbows: ccm vector 4.0 shoulder: bauer 4000 helmet: bauer 5500 gloves: bauer XV
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