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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SAK last won the day on April 28 2013

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About SAK

  • Rank
    Blackstone Sports
  • Birthday 01/18/1970


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    Triathlon's, Hockey, Biking, Hiking,
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  1. Mn it was from me, and I have been working on a solution, however it is not an easy one. We will soon have magnets with the correct numberin for said spinner. One of the issues was getting a strong enough magnet that will stay on the spinner while travelling. The other thing we are doing is developing small containers to house the spinners for travelling or just to organize them. We recognize the issue and are getting a solution.
  2. I think you guys were smoking to much of it. Do you want to post the results public or private? Will do it on a 100/50.
  3. So it's on.....I'll put up my finish on my X-02 to your finish on your f series any day. Bring it!
  4. When we deal with NHL players the best thing they can say is that they don't notice a difference. The benefit of it is you require less energy to do the same performance. I equate it to more beer after the game since I really can't play anymore. Have fun guys.
  5. Its pretty cool. When working with goalies there has been a lot of times they want to have more bite on the inside edges, what we did is take a FBV and make the inside edge have more bite than the outside edge while maintaining the equal edges. When the goalies skate on it they have equal edges and really don't have that awkward feeling of one edge lower than the other anymore. We than were testing it on players and are finding out that the inside edge is more predominantly used than the outside edge and are starting to look at the effects, that's for another day however Jagr is having some fun with that. My best advise is for you guys to have fun with this, try different things it will help you in different ways some speed, some agility, some confidence in turns.......the idea is to never stop getting better and if you can do that by changing to a different cut ROH or FBV go for it. Its an awesome game that you can hopefully play for a long time.
  6. wasn't sending a line in the water.....assumed that it was widely known my bad.
  7. Its been a long time since I have read that study, it was the first of many. It is cool to be reminded of how we started with it. When we initiated the study, we really were experimenting with the differences in shapes. We knew that the 90/75 worked well however we had to decide on 2 other shapes the University would use for the study. We decided to go to different extremes with the 80/2 and 105/05. It was a good decision because the data we got back gave us a lot of direction to go in with the different shapes, including the latest A-trap. Thanks for the reminder of that study. As far as those shapes go Jimmy, I probably could get you them. The 80/2 provides a lot of stability, there is just a lot of tang height. The 105/05 Is a bastard to sharpen on a hockey blade as there is not much room on the blade vs the flat......
  8. Jimmy I don't think that another University would bother testing the same thing twice. Once the studies are done they are public domain.
  9. Blackstone worked with the University of Ottawa. I will see if I can get it up on this site. I'm not quite sure why it is not up.
  10. I find that the biggest issues for sharpening is not just equal edges but hand honing. A simple thing to do is keep a hand hone on hand and don't be afraid to use it. Sharpening will put the shape on the bottom of the blade however hand honing provides the bite. Regardless what shape you use hand honing the skate will "keen" the edge. Stay sharp! I would try the 95/75. I think you'll like it.
  11. Mike, all I can go by is what the teams order in way of spinners. I can tell you that some teams have the majority of players on FBV and some teams don't. This is usually determined by the equipment managers and how open they are with trying different things out with players. (some people are open to change and some are not) Some equipment managers are big with Bauer and some equipment managers are big with Easton. If you pay attention of what what the majority of players are using usually you can figure out what brand the equipment manager likes. It is Blackstone's commitment to improving technology through skate sharpening which allows us to go forward and improve performance for players just like when a company develops a better type of skate. You will note that not all people will use that skate just like not everyone uses FBV. I am very pleased with the amount of players in the NHL that are on the FBV I know that it is something that will improve everyone's game as my experience and the 3 year study that the University of Ottawa has done, which concluded that their is a real and significant increase in agility and flow for the user. We knew this without the study however it was fun to get it back on paper. Sorry for the long response however I can see that you maybe concerned and hope I've addressed your concerns.
  12. Happy to report there are players using FBV on most teams in the NHL.
  13. Call Blackstone. It will be easily resolved.
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