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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

JR Boucicaut

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Everything posted by JR Boucicaut

  1. Starskie is a limited edition stick...aka dumping of old Innos :)
  2. Once again, members only - don't spread the link. Looks like the Royale has some sort of vibration-dampening system. Bags, shoes...very thin on stick description...it isn't like it actually new product.
  3. Yes... :D and bad decision. I'm weak glove side, strong blocker side and 5 hole! I think we need JR to organize a ModSquad members game somewhere in Michigan so we call all get together and try it out. Must be a rink somewhere close to his new store... JR? Yeah...we can get a few people...let's get a head count...
  4. Okay, if you didn't reply to Chadd's PM, email :)
  5. If you work in an hockey store, please send an email to moderators@modsquadhockey.com. Please state your name and which store you work at. Thanks!
  6. The new SLs have been shipped as well as some 350s (certain stores got them) I sold about 15 in my store this weekend alone.
  7. Just like this year and the year before, and the year before that...an oldie but a goodie... IT COMES OUT IN THE SPRING. Now what I find funny how everyone is going ga-ga over this...it's all rehashed stuff...what happened to the "hotter blade face?"
  8. Thanks to Logan for the scan. We are still working on what format we are going to use this year - but this is available for member view right now - let's keep this amongst us so if your friends want to see it, have them sign up and don't spread the link. Skates - ONCE AGAIN, new skates out for Easton - heat-moldable SyNergys with different stiffnesses - something I thought needed to be done to that skate. Sticks - New paint jobs/logos for the sticks. Stealth paired with a CNT blade. Got rid of the neon ST. Z-Carbon has been updated with a CNT blade. Protective - New line of Stealth protective - will be their top line. I haven't seen this stuff - I will update as I see it.
  9. Whoa, McGyver! :D McGyver played hockey too! It was in the opening credits. :) Most of my modifications involve sewing to some degree. To add to the stereotype, my grandfather was a tailor in SouthEast China, and later in Hong Kong. I must have gotten some of his talent. McGyver does wear a Calgary Flames hat in some episodes, I don't know where Richard Dean Anderson's from, but Calgary seems likely...yeah...used to be a big McGyver fan wish I had some of your sewing skills:) Yeah, he used to play on that Celebrity hockey team. I remember one episode in which he defused a bomb with a LA Kings ticket.
  10. We have two stores in our 7-store chain that does it. My stuff is on order from Blackstone apparently. I'll believe it when I see it. Smoke and mirrors, baby!
  11. I understand what you are saying, trust me. I am merely commenting on my clientele...they come in and are like "I need my kid's skates profiled." Don't know why, but some other parent got his kid's skates profiled so it's the "in" thing to do. Then they go to a place who serves everyone the same flavor. And I am pretty positive you said it was smoke and mirrors...and that's okay!
  12. Thought Bob Allen and Maximum-Edge was "smoke and mirrors." ;) Anyway, most of these parents don't even know what to look for or how to answer your question...like I said, I'll go out there and check out the kid myself.
  13. Nah, I was just giving you the mentality out here. Their favorite profiler puts a 9/16" and a 9' on everything, from a mite to a pro. There's so many factors, you have to take ice conditions and weight into account. Watch him skate...watch his strides, see if he slips out, if he can really get into his turns, if they're tight or wide...
  14. Ugh, do you live in MI? I have had two parents ask me to check out their kid's skating...because they "need" to get their skates profiled. One kid was slipping out on strides and turns (needs a deeper hollow, he's a 65lb peewee skating on 1/2") and the other kid was a mite who just couldn't skate all that well...but hey, little Johnny MUST have his skates profiled, it'll slow down his fast track to the Show...
  15. Probably not. If I'm not mistaken the 7.5 is what, a 254 or 263 in a Mission
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