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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

JR Boucicaut

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Everything posted by JR Boucicaut

  1. Once I move all of my crap home from work, I'll take pics. I have about 2 equipment bags' worth.
  2. It is an one-pc pant. You can put a pant shell over it.
  3. I read a book the other day, "The Tropic Of Hockey." The author went around the world and found/played hockey in places like HK, China and the United Arab Emirates...you should read it.
  4. Those gloves are so nice. ;) Probably the best ones I ever ordered. How are they holding up?
  5. LOL did you photoshop a "C" on your jersey?
  6. I got some conversions but I can't use metal...
  7. He is commenting on the fact that Markku is about to cup-check someone...
  8. I can't hit for power. I want a light bat that I can hit 'em where they ain't...plus we only get one HR per game...
  9. Hmm...does it eliminate the vibration you get from aluminum?
  10. How do composite bats hold up? The one I'll be getting won't be warrantied...
  11. That's the one I wanted to get, but couldn't (Syn2) so I'm looking at the Extended, but that'll be in April.
  12. I remember when you got that Stealth... Now Synergy, is yours ASA legal? I might be getting the new one, extended barrel.
  13. Just curious to see if there's any adult softball players on MSH. We just started a team at work and I haven't played in 10 years so I'm pretty excited. I'm way outdated when it comes to gear though - but I'm slowly replacing it! Got an Eagle mitt today and hopefully Easton's new bat in April.
  14. I do not have a scanner, so unless someone else scans it, no.
  15. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/pics/JR/2005/dr/DR_2005.pdf
  16. Here is the Jofa version (two-pc, not available in NA)
  17. It's regular leather, brown and gold. It's just the look.
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