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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    CCM U+ Pro Reloaded
  • Hockey Bag
    Lowry (Team Issue)
  • Shin Pads
    Easton Stealth
  • Elbow Pads
    Nike V10
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM Control
  • Pants
    CCM 09 Girdle
  • Helmet
    NBH 9500
  • Gloves
    San Jose Eagle PPFI /Brooklynite Pro Marksmen
  • Stick
    NBH Vapor XXX Lite P91 / Easton SE16 Iginla

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  1. well after being released from my junior team as a 20 year old earlier this season i joined my brothers team (which is basically jr c) with another buddy who was supposed to be playing jr a as well but like me had his season ended by a major injury. Anyways we won game 2 of the best of 3 for our league finals tonight to win the league. But this is in the venting spot because we won 21-3 and was the most boring game ive ever played! Before anyone says anything about running up the score that bad this team we played against talked trash all year and even throughout tonights game, even after being down by 20 goals at one point. It was just a boring ass game to be playing but hey we won i guess.
  2. Haha naked pics and talking about how some days she wishes she could pretend she was single. Life goes on and shit happens. I'm 20 years old and been through alot worse things than this. Even though it hurts a lot i know its not the end of the world.
  3. well the gf of just over a year kinda cheated on me. Not in the sense of actually hooking up with someone else but well on its way to that point. I am not the type to really freak out about innocent conversation with an old friend but to the point they were at sending pics and stuff along those lines really put me over the edge. Dunno what to do now. Havent broke it off yet but im gonna wait it out a little while and calm myself before making any decisions. Friggen broads i tell ya!
  4. Just got cut from my junior team last night. Team wasnt doing that well and they said they needed to make room for younger guys to build for the future (im 20). So this season has basically been a waste. Broke my hand in camp played four games and this happens. Worst part is the coaches told me they wanted me to stay because im their type of player and they were happy with my play (It was the gms decision). They've basically gotten rid of all the out of town guys who go to all off ice stuff and are now left with all the home town guys who either dont go to any training stuff the team does or do go but show up high.They offered me a coaching postion with the team now. Just a really shitty situation and I dont really know where to go from here. It sucks because I made alot of good buddies on that team. Not the way I wanted to end my Junior career.
  5. the girlfriend. Thats all I need to say
  6. broke and dislocated a bunch of bones in my hand a week ago at camp. Met with the surgeon yesterday and she said its looking more like 8 weeks instead. Theres going to be another sweet spot when i get these stupid rods out of my hand!
  7. second ice time at main camp on fri broke my hand and wrist in a scrap. Done for a minimum of 6-8 weeks. Just had surgery yesterday Yay for pins and rods! What a way to start my last season of JR
  8. 2 of my buddies have gotten stabbed in the last little while, one was during the vancouver riots and the other was about a week ago at a party, he got stabbed in the neck 3 times and ended up with 60 stitches. Thankfully they are both expected to fully recover but thats just scary
  9. one of my brothers former teammates dad and also a co worker of mine committed suicide yesterday. Very sad and i was even supposed to be working with him this morning
  10. trying to quit chewing after about 5 years is starting to be a pain in the ass, itll be worth it in the end though
  11. first round of the playoffs our teams down 2 games to 0 in a best of 5 series, we ended up coming back in the series and capping it off with a 4-3 win in ot last night. Felt really good especially because the team we were playing basically tried to intimidate us all series (most of our guys are 17-18 theirs are 19-20) so it feels really good to move on to the next round of the playoffs
  12. just broke my 9th twig on the season, this is really starting to get old
  13. after a rough weekend for our team we had a meeting and prett much let out everything on our minds to our coaches and it went really well. Finally found a curve i feel comfortable with (might be hard to find when they break though) and our teams going on a trip to edmonton for a week to just get away. The trips gonna be awesome watching the oilers practice and the oilers blackhawks game and of course west ed mall. Very happy right now
  14. lost a game last night 2-1 in a shootout and after the game our coach made some remarks to everyone which i wont get into detail with but it was along the lines of eff you guys you dont wanna play for me i wont coach you anymore. He lost the little respect he did have from the team. Its like last season all over again
  15. getting written up at work because i cant make it through a foot of snow and had to call in when i have no more sick days left, what a joke
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