You guyysss. :( I can't buy any more sticks for about a month! I'm in college and don't get paid to play hockey! MAN! I have to go back to my one60 (lol). This thing broke pretty easy though, it was fairly new. It speared me in the stomach and just snapped. God damn.
I drive a beat up Dodge Caravan from 1987 (as old as myself). It was free and I kind of beat up cars. When the van finally dies though I'm planning to buy this:
Representing with the IHS jersey, very nice. When did you go? I used to work there... Nice! Wow.. it must have been about three years ago. It's funny how many people ask about that jersey (sweater).
is this you? :) Mr. Sharp, why did you retape your blade after your game against the Red Wings? Did you not realize it was broken? Haha, you guys are a kick. I only wish I played for the NHL. :( *dreamy sigh* Oh, to go pro.
I have snapped all of my sticks. I had to go out and buy the one90. This is something new. I NEVER snap sticks. Broke two in one night and the third yesterday. Anyway: My current 'collection':
I've never tried the concessions and I go there for school! Should I? I'm going to try out for the club team this year. I was really scared to last year, don't know why. P.S. I always think it's amazing how people can name rinks from a slew of pictures. B)