Stick and Puck: Don't lollygag in front of the net. Shoot and get out of the way so you don't get hit. Then go get your puck out (if you only brought one) when no one is winding up. Bring more than one puck. Use the neutral zone to practice skating, stick handling and passing, instead of -- yes, you guessed it -- in front of the net. If you shoot your puck out of the rink, remember to go fetch it at the end of the session instead of leaving with someone else's. If you are going to practice deflections, wear full gear. Your body, esp. shins, will thank you later. Never shoot when someone is fishing pucks out of the net. If you divide the ice so little kids can practice and shoot on one end, don't go down there and blast slapshots. Stay on the "adult" side. Most of this seems like common sense, but people never cease to amaze me with the stupid shit they do on the ice. Okay, now go have fun.