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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I am tempted to try them, especially because they are on sale. Weird how the description of the pro boot and inline boot is the same. might have to shoot them an email. Again, appreciate the help and input.
  2. Thanks for the input. To be honest, I am looking for a boot w/ curve composite. Mainly because my One95s lasted so song and I played ALOT of hockey in them. I have actually been using the Mission Inhaler DS4's over the past couple of weeks. They are not bad, just worry about wear and tear. Will most likely pick up a pair of Supreme 180's and convert. Side note: I am intrigued by the new Tour skate (Code 1). Just don't know if I could do non high-low.
  3. Looking for opinions: My right One95's heel is separating from the boot after about 6 months of conversion. I play 2-3 times a week and think its time to move on to something new. My Hi-Lo Magnesium chassis are fairly new and I am thinking about picking up a new pair of ice skates (for stiffer boot) and converting. Possibly supreme 180 or s170. I am picky about wheels so I feel like buying new roller skates would be a waste. What do you think?
  4. Good to hear. The tongues are in bad shape. Will be replacing soon.
  5. It's been years since my last post. Figured I would share my latest: image sharing sites
  6. Havnt posted in a while... Only pic in the aways
  7. were ok.. and no i dont know him
  8. Had to add this because of the hot dog on the boards.. lol
  9. off topic question, but i didnt want to make a new thread If i am coming of of an S17 and loves it, how would a One95 feel?
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