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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Vancouver, B.C., Canada

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  1. Helmet : RBK 8k Visor : Oakley Pro Aviator (grey) Gloves : RBK 9KN Pants : RBK 5K, will upgrade Shin : RBK 6K Stick : Vapor XXX Lite (P92), Warrior Dolomite (Draper), and RBK Pro Stock SickKick (Corey Perry) Skates : RBK 9K Pumps
  2. i'm actually not 100% sure but that name does sound familiar
  3. here's mine i know the quality sucks haha
  4. ^^^ those don't look half bad actually, i like how the sprungs are black and white
  5. wow...$250 for those nikes? that's is actually pretty good. but yea, I admit...those would be pretty heavy
  6. Intro: 5' 5" 115 Lbs. Roller hockey Stick: Nike/Bauer Vapor XXX Lite Righ handed P92 77 flex (cut short about 2 inches) Other sticks used: CCM Vector 8.0 & Warrior Dolomite Blade: The blade is very stiff and thin. I have a feel for the puck alot with this stick. With the think foam streamline core, the puck just rockets off the face. no vibration at all when shooting. 10/10 Shaft/Flex: Since i'm a short player, i had to cut the stick down about 2 inches so it would fit me properly. I didn't want to go witht he intermediate 67 flex stick because the shaft size is a bit smaller and it just didn't feel right in my hands with the gloves on. I find the stick to be very snappy, which I like, especially when taking wrist shots and snap shots. I really noticed that my wrist shots got harder and were more acurate. 9.5/10 Stickhandling/receiving passes: Again, stick handling is very simple, thanks to the feel of the puck on the blade. Even though the puck for roller hockey is lighter, I'm still able to feel the puck as i stick handle. receiving passes was excellent, not a whole lot of vibration in the stick which I really really like. If you're a player with soft hand, this is the stick for you. 10/10 Shooting: The best stick for shooting I have ever used, wrist shots just rocket toward the net. As said earlier, I noticed my shots being harder/faster and were more accurate that any stick I have ever used. Very snappy stick, excellent for wrist shots. If you're the type of player with a quick release, this stick is perfect. 10/10 Weight and balance: When I first picked up the stick I was shocked to notice how light this really was. The balance was nice, nothing to complain about. 9/10 Durability: I've gone a full season and half with this stick until a scrimmage about a month ago. My teammate had slashed my stick as I was playing along the boards, he hit the stick where the shaft and blade meet and it cracked and is starting to snap off. It was a pretty bad slash so I guess he just hit it in the wrong spot. I don't see this happening if it was just normal play. The finish on the stick tends to chip off with stick on stick play, I don't mind. But the stick is just so beautiful IMO. 9/10 Intangebles: The grip on the stick is nice, not too tacky. As stated above it does peel, but it's not my biggest concern. 8/10 Conclusion: Overall I am extremely pleased with the stick. The shots are nice hard toward the net and the passes are crisp and are to the target. Stick is obviously a bit pricey ($280 CAD, but I got mine for $159 USD), but you get what you pay for. OVERALL RATING 9/10
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