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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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  1. Absolutely made it across ;) The Defenders are beasts, true. However, I prefer a little more comfort and quiet when I'm out and about. I also get more flex from my suspension, fit more stuff in it and can cruise on the highway for hours. A 'real' Land Rover would be an 88" Series IIa with a Safari top...
  2. I'm driving a Land Rover G4 Discovery. I imported it from the US to Canada in January. I quite enjoy it.
  3. How about some Mason Jennings, Old Crow Medicine Show, Joseph Arthur, Ron Sexsmith, or The Decemberists. I can't tolerate them all the time, but in the appropriate doses they can be good.
  4. A reasonable idea, but with so many rockered blades out now (as opposed to flat bottom blades) the angles could be off several degrees just by measuring the blade's bottom differently. There should be a lot of standardizing done - flexes, lies, weights... Won't likley happen since there is no governing body, as with most industries.
  5. I have an old pair of the CCM skates with the Reebok pump in them. They have old Bauer frames on them. I cut the nylon off the toes and drilled 4 small (think pencil-sized) holes at the base of the toes for some ventilation and to assist in drying them out. Since I don't play inline any longer they are being used by a friend. Haven't seen them for a couple years...
  6. I've got two drum kits I use. My DW's, pictured below, and a mix of and old Ludwig jazz kit from the '60s with some smallish toms.
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