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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Krev

  1. I find it surprising that after hearing that Easton's hockey department is struggling that they have an MSRP of $799 for the Mako. If they put it at $699 I would think they would sell many more pairs. They just can't compete with Bauer in skates. They have to sell them cheaper to have a chance IMO. The MLX skates weren't marketed all that well, but they ended up selling them for 50% off within a few months of them being released IIRC. Two of my coworkers paid $400 for their MLX's. They were happy with the skates, but they wouldn't have spent $800 on them. I know that for sure. Plus, the skates broke down completely after just over one year for both and I think one of the guys even had his replaced on warranty partway through. Hopefully the Mako's are more durable. Definitely looks like an interesting skate though. I look forward to seeing them in person and trying them on. I just wish they offered them in a C width. Why did Easton ever get rid of their narrows?

    They're priced lower than other top end skates. I too ran into the MLX skate breakdown on the heel. Nothing some epoxy couldnt fix.

    They're relatively narrow, I think. Perhaps the D will fit you just right.

  2. In most cases you have to have some pull somewhere, or go through a pro team. We have some guys out here who go through the Silvertips, myself included.

    There was a pair of custom Makos that I saw, at least aesthetically. Had a black heel. I like the silver heel better, personally.

  3. Krev, how high are your arches?

    Not very high. Lower than average arches, but not enough that I'd consider myself to be flat footed.

    Thanks for your help Krev! Like I said I don't have these yet but I know the arch is going to be a problem. So hopefully the baking just solves that problem. If not I'll just bake again and hope for a better result the 2nd time.

    Yeah, I'd rebake and then spot heat the problem area with a heatgun or a blowdryer on low heat to help alleviate that pressure spot. I was the opposite of the Buzz. 90% on left, 100% on right.

  4. What skates are you coming from previously? Curious to see if anyone coming from APX favors these more.

    MLX, the predecessor of the Mako. Only Bauer skates I've worn in recent years were the XX and XXX.

    Yeah this is what I'm trying to figure out... If the arch will flatten out a bit and how to make sure that it does when they are baked. I know with Kors the instructions were to actually stand in them and lean forward a few times. I don't think that's the case with the Mako's though. The high spot seems to be right in the middle of my foot. On the skate it seems to be right where the footbed meets the orange lining of the skate.

    I had the same problem after the first bake. I skated one game on them and didn't like how my arch felt. It wasn't terrible, just some minor discomfort in the arch. I rebaked at home without standing. Left them on longer this time, about half an hour, and my feet have adjusted. I took the footbed from my MLX (yellow superfeet) with me to my first game, swapped them out and it didn't feel right at all. My suggestion is to stay with the Mako footbeds, and rebake again.

  5. Yes the Mako has an oversized holder. However I cannot answer whether or not the holes line up with the MLX.

    My question is do these skates actually live up to all of the hype they are getting performance wise? Judging only on comfort these skates are amazing. I've used Bauer skates my whole life but when I tried these on they were the most comfortable skates I've ever worn and they weren't even baked yet. But how big of a difference can these skates actual make in a persons skating compared to Bauer skates? Easton claims they will be completely revolutionary in natural movement and stride. In order for me to switch out my Bauer's for a pair of these I need to know that they will make a noticeable difference in skating. Can anyone help?

    You should be able to notice a difference in your natural stride, turn radius, and acceleration. Those were the most noticeable things to me, back when the MLX came out. The Mako's behave the same, if not a little bit more responsive than its predecessor. However, this is just my opinion. I'm sure others will have more input, like Chadd. The biggest thing for me was the turn radius. I found myself being able to execute tighter turns, without losing as much speed as I would have in a different skate. Especially useful for reffing, when cross-unders are used to make tighter turns and conserve energy in high level games.

  6. Childhood idol. If you think I'm obsessed, you should've seen Drew's collection back when he had pictures up. He has WAY more stuff than I do. I'm more particular though. Sticks, gloves, skates. That's really it. I have a bunch of just random older Easton stuff too. I have more of that stuff than I do Modano gear.


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  7. Had my first skate on them last night. Absolutely unreal acceleration. I'll have to take some steel off the toe, but other than that they were great. Already dialed in. I like the new holder. Very forward pitched. More so than anything else I've worn before. That was really the only adjustment I had to make; compensating to not fall on my face in warm-up, haha.

  8. I would say that's accurate enough. Keep in mind though, the internal of the skate will still mold around the heel, giving excellent lock. Once you've baked them and let them sit, you can't bend the boot without a little effort. Same goes for any top end skate, really.

  9. I've baked my Mako's twice. Once at the rink, and a second time at home. I did the same with my MLX. I don't see any reason why a dealer wouldn't heat them up for you beforehand. It's a major selling point. The MLX was reheatable, and so far the Mako's have behaved similarly for me.

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