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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Krev

  1. Those are AS3 Pros. Most would say that the change to Step steel was an upgrade over the XS Carbon, so...
  2. To each their own - AG5NT was the first Bauer stick I've really liked since the XXX and One95. Preferred them over my LX Pros even.
  3. Got to use mine for the first time tonight. Loved it. I kept going back and forth between the Novium and the AG5NT during my game and I found myself enjoying the feel of the Novium more. Great shot, great blade feel (wasn't pingy), felt very familiar. Got a decent skate cut across the blade so I'm wondering how long the blade will hold up. My two cents.
  4. I feel that it's slightly stiffer than rated because of how the stick is built but I'm leaning more towards the I can lean into it more and not worry about it whipping out camp.
  5. Been using one for a little over a week and you're right, it's a little longer and beefed up. I was surprised at how much I liked the stick. With this trend to lighter and lighter sticks I've often felt disconnected from the stick when on the ice (the Catalyst PX being the worst offender) but I didn't experience that. First stick since the One95 where I'm actually impressed with a Bauer twig.
  6. Didn't want to post this up myself 😅
  7. Super basic, but think of it the same way that the TF line is. Customs Catalyst Pro TF9 Cat9 TF7 Cat7 Cat5 Cat9 offers the benefits of a custom skate but without the bells and whistles, similar to the TF9. The Cat Pro requires a foot scan.
  8. In order: True Customs, TF9/Ribcor, Unreleased Catalyst skates, sourced Mako II's.
  9. Just sharing what I know, nothing more nothing less. Bauer is already out of these. They'll be printing money with each re-release now, if they weren't sure before.
  10. Doesn't fit their business model nor their skate lines. Similar fit to Makos, go custom; basically how they went about it.
  11. Popping in to quote myself five years later. Topic still kicking around. Awesome.
  12. Aside from the one I broke over a crossbar, the Model E build I have has been used every other game, which for me is twice a week, and it's holding up fine in an A league environment. Have had them for several months now.
  13. For me it's one of: Warrior Alpha DX, Warrior Alpha LX Pro, True Catalyst Pro (SMU stick), and Pro Stock Hockey Sticks with the "E Build".
  14. Interested to see how you guys think the LX Pro stands up to CCM's offerings - personally, it's my top stick this year.
  15. Just popped in to say that I have sticks from Geppetto. Easton Build (Stealth '05), Z-Tac blade, 400grams, Kane pro curve, gold stripe. Took the PSHS sticks and one of my original Stealths to a game and used them both in warmies and during the game - could barely tell the difference. 9.5/10, would recommend. Would be a 10/10 if he offered the CNT shaft shape along with the Stealth. Can't beat the price point, and the options are really really really good.
  16. Every once in a while, I find something that I just can't say no when I see it. Now to find a pair of his gloves again. I'll probably make another post in a couple months, haha.
  17. Oh I know. I had that discussion with him years ago. I meant the repairs I wanted to try tackling on my current gloves. That I know he could do but I wouldn't want to waste his time with something I think I can learn.
  18. God that commercial is so 90s haha. Sewing machine and some sort of pressure gun to inject the protective layer inserts. Thumbs look like a nightmare. Life and a career of traveling just takes up so much mental space and time. I'm just looking to do repairs myself, not build a glove. Maybe reskin a leather to nylon at some point but I highly doubt I'd be able to manage that. If I could, I would. It's no secret the GX9500 is my favorite glove to some of our longstanding members. I figure Pat could probably do that given his time at Warrior but that would be $$ and a large time commitment that isn't worth it, I would assume.
  19. D30 would be interesting to try. That looks like a great place with what I'm looking for. Thank you. Maybe one day I'll be able to convert an entire glove by learning this. Doubtful though.
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