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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by adam14

  1. I've been dealing with the same thing dude, it seems like every time I'm hanging out with her he starts calling her. you need to be straight up with her, and tell her that it bothers you, or ask her whats going on and why hes calling so much, if she says she doesn't know ask her if she talks to him when you arent around, and where her feelings for this guy are.

  2. Ain't that the truth.

    "Woooohooooooo!!!!!!!!! I can drink my face off on St. Paddy's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Do it on an ordinary Tuesday and then I'll be impressed.

    Haha being a university student, I've had my fair share of random drinking nights.

    Yesterday wasn't just night though, we started drinking at 1.30 haha.

  3. Went to pick up my stuff from our dressing room since the season is over, guys have been going in all week and then heading home since we have guys from all over on the team. and to my surprise, my one95 and ccm octo gun, which both are only about 3 weeks old, gone.

    and nobody seems to have any idea where they are, and our coach is trying to avoid responsibility.

  4. got smoked from behind in our game today, and i clipped the little ledge of boards that the glass sits on, on the road, 4 hr bus ride home, go to emerge, they say they're backed up 5 hrs, so i came home and am going back later.


    *Edit: just got home, good for 9 or 10, time for some well deserved z's. its been a long night.

  5. Watched a parent buy his son a pair of Graf skates today, i think size 3 or 4, kid played Bantam, anyways, before he pays he goes "My son won't like the cobra holders, I want tuuks put on."

    Needless to say, I was standing there, thinking, um, dude your kid is 12, playing single A bantam, I dont think he'll notice.

    I told him how I didnt think it would be very beneficial, but he insisted.


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