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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by ambro

  1. Anyone know a price on the Hex-1? Is it gonna be typical Mission and be about $20 less than the competition (~$150)??
  2. Page 14 I think the patterns are on. Also, no the shafts are not offered in grip.
  3. Yea that Ribeiro pattern does look nice. Also, is the Hex-1 shaft not made by Aldila? I don't see the little "a" logo on the shaft of it like I do on the M-1 and M-1 Grip.
  4. Like a school bag, but made large enough for hockey equipment. Whether you wear it at school or use it for its intended purpose (hockey gear), you'll look like an idiot. :P
  5. Anyone else notice that on page 7, the slash test showed that the Synergy is different than the Synergy Si-Core? Doesn't that prove that slash tests aren't accurate, seeing how they are the same shaft and should have the same slash rating?
  6. Nice photoshop of your name onto your gloves...
  7. Yea, but that's after a full season, and before I cleaned them with bleach/water mixture. Now they look almost brand new.
  8. Kovy, I remember asking how much those costed, but I don't recall you telling. How much did they cost?
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